Friday, April 30, 2010


My ref: VR87OF2009; Your ref: S232/09

The Chief Executive Officer
The State Administrative Tribunal Ground Floor, 12 St Georges Terrace Perth
Postal address: GPO Box U1991 Perth 6845
Telephone: (08) 9219 3111 1300 306 017 Fax: (08) 9325 5099 ATTEN: JUDGE PRITCHARD


VR 87 0F 2009: LPCC V CHIN

Thank you for your Notice of Directions Hearing scheduled for 4.5.2010 and the Orders of Her Honour Deputy President dated 28.4.2010. I would like to state the following:

a) A simple solution to my problem that seems not to have been heard by His Honour Justice EM Heenan in my Application for Certiorari Orders in CIV 1019 of 2010 that was delivered on 21.4.2010 and published today, would have been:
a.1. a determination on the live issue that was never litigated at all levels of proceedings so far, concerns the unlawful authority of the Pseudo Board which represents the LPB which did not act in good faith to impose a constraint on my independent legal practice for the secret agenda of protecting their cronies. Everyone is trying to avoid this issue and is refusing to face reality but is putting the blame only on me.
a.2. the res judicata issues of facts and law enveloped by the current action of the LPCC in VR 87 of 2009 that ought never to have been proceeded with because there is never going to be any FURTHER REMEDY of my non-existent professional misconduct on those res judicata issues as they are being proscribed by a common law principle of law, that has been accepted by the High Court of Australia.
b) Based on the above premise, it is pointless for any hearing scheduled on 18.5.2010 to be proceeded
with, regarding those res judicata issues as Justice Chaney is clearly wrong in his res judicata judgment delivered on 4.11.2009 and it would be a waste of governmental resources if SAT were to do so. Even so, the trial as scheduled would not be fair to me unless SAT takes the initiative of calling for all those papers filed in CIV1019 of 2010.
c) I apologize to Justice Heenan for saying this, but it is a fact that the learned Justice did not put his heart and soul into understanding and thereby deciding CIV11019 of 2010 equitably; this has caused me to lodge an Appeal Notice in the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Western Australia in CACV41 of 2010 on the 22.4.2010.
d) I have also lodged documents with the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court to take Mandamus Orders proceedings against the learned Justice Chaney and the learned Justice Heenan so as to compel them to do their duties in accordance with their oath of Office.
e) If I were to receive tremendous resistance in my pursuit of the truths and justice as I have been much maligned, I would just have to give it up and retire and never touch law again. All I am fighting for is for the public interests that lawyers NOT be allowed to plunder and pillage innocent members of the public and get away with it. If I am not allowed to do this by our government, then I would just resign and retire and let others fight these thankless tasks.
f) If you need further information, I will be constantly updating my blogspot, access to which, you can always obtain by Googling my name: nicholasnchin.

Yours faithfully


The Principal Registrar
Mr. Keith Frederick Chapman
Supreme Court of WA Stirling Gardens, Barrack Street
PERTH WA 6000 Associate: Tel: 08 9421 5302 Fax: 08 92218350

The Legal Profession Complaints Committee
Atten: Legal Officer Ms. Caroline Brookes PO Box: Z5293, St. Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6831
Facsimile: 9461 2265

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