Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Types of Jurisdictional Errors
Para-graphs Numbers of the Judgment

Comment on paragraph numbers of the Judgment in relation to Types of Jurisdictional Errors committed by President Chaney
denying the Applicant procedural fairness
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

1: The Committee has no jurisdiction to dismiss all of the complaints as it is in jurisdictional error.  That is why the Applicant wants SAT to Review.  If SAT is sincere, then it should have seen the non-bona fides of the Committee.  It looks like the Committee is directing SAT what to do.  The Committee in the first place should not have dismissed all the complaints and should not have determined that three of the complaints are unreasonable.  The Committee has not given reasons why they are unreasonable. There is no reason why the three complaints are unreasonable as they fulfill all the criteria of s. 453(2) of the LPA Act.  The criteria are: REASONABLESS, NOT FRIVOLOUS, NON-TRIVIAL, and Applicant has DIRECT PERSONAL INTERESTS in them.
identifying the wrong issues,

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

2: SAT is in jurisdictional error in determining that Leave is required for its Review of the Three Complaints pursuant to by subs. 435(2) of the LPA, because the criteria which impose this Leave for Review is unnecessary under the circumstances of the case.   
asking the wrong questions,

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

3: SAT is in jurisdictional error to agree with the Committee about dismissing all the eight complaints.  SAT has a duty to explain the reasons to Maurice Law why he is in agreement with the Committee to dismiss all the eight complaints.  Even President Chaney himself does not know the reason why the Committee dismissed all the eight complaints.  If he did, he would have explained it to Maurice Law.  Maurice does not know what President Chaney knows.
ignoring relevant materials,

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

4: President Chaney did not consider the written submissions by the Applicant dated 14.10.2011 originally intended for Deputy President Sharp.  If President Chaney did, His Honour would have arrived at the decision that Leave was not required as the Three Complaints are not unreasonable as applicable to the facts of the case.  The reason why President Chaney is making his decision thus is because he had shut his minds to the facts of the case.  
relying on irrelevant materials,

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

5.a. Owen JA “helpfully summarized” is misleading and President Chaney knows that it is misleading because His Honour Owen JA did self-contradict on the law and the facts by not accepting the fresh evidence of the Letter of Registrar Powell dated 11.6.2009 found at page 136 of the Yellow Appeal Book in CACV 107 of 2008.   
5. b. Mr. Law has five scribe-writers helping him and therefore His Honuor President Chaney should have said that Mr. Law consulted Mr. Ni Kok Chin on some of the facts of the case from time to time. 
5.c. Although there was conflicting interests between Mr. Chin and Mr. Law before 10.2.2006, those conflicting interests no longer exist since that date as the sole issue in dispute in these proceedings that CIV1131 of 2006 was not commenced by Mr. Taylor on behalf of Mr. Law. 
5.d. Both Mr. Law and Mr. Chin now have common interests to pursue their common purpose against Mr. Taylor for having wronged them respectively.
5.e.  The LPCC should not have found the matters of complaint against Mr. Law in the Hall litigation as unreasonable but the contrary.  Mr. Law has stated that Mr. Taylor had encouraged him to complain against Mr. Chin for the wrong reason just to get rid of Mr. Chin as solicitor for Nancy Hall in CIV1142 of 2005. 
5.f. Mr. Law was blindly led by Mr. Taylor to complain against Mr. Chin because the latter is the former’s solicitor and is therefore in a position to undue-influence the former.  Mr. Taylor paid the court fees for Mr. Law to start the Midland Minor Claim action against Mr. Chin.  This is a ridiculous and vexatious situation because Mr. Taylor had to pay $400.00 court fees to get the false hope of $300.00 costs order of Registrar Powell from Mr. Chin.       
making erroneous findings of facts or law
4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

6. The law for the Test for Leave under s. 435(2) of the LP Act is correct but it is misapplied to the perceived circumstances of SAT that does not tally with the factual circumstances.  The facts of the case reveal that there was no requirement for such Leave and therefore the Test for Leave as advocated by President Chaney is unnecessary.
reaching mistaken conclusions of acts or law,

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

7.a: Leave under s. 435(2) of the Act is not required for Complaint 5 because the Four Criteria of Unreasonableness, Frivolity, Triviality and Direct Personal Interests are being faithfully fulfilled by the Applicant.  This is an area of dispute which warrants the Judicial Review which includes declarative judgments, the reconsideration of disputed issues and new trials of disputed issues as per ss.25(6), 43 and 59 of the Supreme Court Act, 1935 WA (see the Table prepared by Applicant in his Submission dated 14.10.2011 pursuant to s.27A of the Evidence Act, 1906 WA).
7.b: Leave under s.435(2) is also not required for Complaint 6 as there is no dispute about the Non-commencement of Writ of Summons in CIV 1131 of 2006 until today proven by the The ONLY DOCUMENT (The Single Issue).  That was deposited with SAT on 29.11.2011 by David Taylor as a result of the Order of President Chaney dated 15.11.2011 in VR158 of 2011, it was viewed by Applicant on 30.11.2011, agreed to be given a copy by President Chaney on 15.11.2011 as evidenced by the transcript but was unreasonably withheld by Jacqui of SAT for more than three months and finally supplanted with 7 pages of Irrelevant Documents dated 15.2.1012 (the ONLY DOCUMENT).
7.c: The ONLY DOCUMENT destroyed the two myths:
7.1.c. The first myth created by the falsity of the Sworn  Affidavit of David Taylor in CIV 1131 of 2006 dated 19.3.2007 that CIV1131 of 2006 was commenced on 10.2.2006.
7.2.c. The second myth created by Registrar Powell in his letter dated 11.6.2009 found at page 136 of the Yellow Appeal Book in CACV 107 of 2008 that CIV1131 of 2006 was commenced on 16.2.2006.
The IRREFUTABLE PROOF of the ONLY DOCUMENT states that the court fees of $654.20 was paid into the bank account of the Supreme Court of WA on or about the 20.5.2009 for the purpose of generating the false receipt. That sum was withdrawn from that account on the same day. Therefore, when no court fees were ever paid for CIV 1131 of 2006, the ONLY DOCUMENT proves that CIV 1131 of 2006 was never commenced at any time in the past nor today.       
determine critical facts where there is no evidence
4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

8: President Chaney avoided the facts of the case with regard to there being no reasonable likelihood that SAT would find David Taylor guilty of professional misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct for advising his client Maurice Law, the Applicant to complain against Ni Kok Chin without any adequate or proper basis for doing so.  There is no written evidence made by the Applicant against Mr. Chin.  The only evidence is that Mr. Taylor paid for court fees of $399.00 to sue Mr. Chin at the Midland Court to get back $300.00? The ONLY DOCUMENT produced to SAT on 29.11.2011 if produced by Jacqui honestly to Maurice Law shall settle once and for all the Single Issue that CIV1131 of 2006 was Not Commenced at any time and not even on 10.2.2006 or 16.2.2006.  Why is this Single Issue so difficult to be accepted by SAT?  There must be a proper trial of this issue.  Why did SAT refuse to provide that ONLY DOCUMENT even after more than three months of patient requests by Maurice Law.
making irrational and illogical reasoning in the fact finding process,
1,2, 3,

9: Mr. Law challenged anyone to dispute the veracity of his statement as quoted by President Chaney regarding the malicious intention of Mr. David Taylor against Mr. Ni Kok Chin.  This is an issue for this Judicial Review which must be re-considered on the facts of the case and it cannot be just glossed over by SAT to hide the glaring facts.  Again, why did David Taylor pay the court fees on behalf of Mr. Law to the Midland Court to sue Mr. Chin when he was not acting for Maurice Law in this Midland Magistrates CA 2475 of 2006 and he knows that he would not get the result?  This is MALICIOUS, isn’t it? Mr. Law is willing to provide further information and evidence if required to do so.  
misapprehending the law

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

10: Maurice Law is not aware that he is required to provide further information by the Committee with regard to the nature of the complaint which Mr. Taylor advised him to make against Mr.Chin maliciously.  He is willing to provide further information if so requested and is providing them in his Affidavit in Support for this Application for Judicial Review.

4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

11. Mr. David Taylor’s complaint against Mr. Ni Kok Chin is indeed without foundation on the following grounds:
11.1. The former refused to compromise with the latter when approached by the latter about the Single Issue of the Commencement Date for CIV1131 of 2006.
11.2. The former told the latter that he could do anything he likes and the former is not worried because he implies that he is beyond the law and that he has the right to be arrogant to the latter and even to the Applicant.
11.3. The former does not want to budge from the falsehood that he commenced CIV 1131 of 2006 on 10.2.2006 even though his version of the story conflicted with Registrar Powell’s version in that there is an irreconcilable issue of the disputed and fictitious payment of the court fees with either a cheque or a credit card payment which are never confirmed by concrete evidence until the appearance of the ONLY DOCUMENT ????, which was withheld by President Chaney.
11.4. The former caused the latter to withdraw from acting for Nancy Hall in CIV1131 of 2006 because the integrity and legality of the Single Issue has not been solved by the Committee that was caused by the interference of the learned Registrar Powell who even go the extent of trying to intimidate and put fears into the hearts of Mr. Chin and the Applicant by becoming the bogus taxation Master in the Null and Void Costs of Master Sanderson Costs Order in CIV 1775 of 2008 and Owen JA Costs Order in CACV 107 of 2008 that are related to the Single Issue for the purpose of putting the Single Issue at rest.  The Single Issue is not a trivial matter because it affects the livelihood of Mr. Chin and its affects the loss of the legitimate claim of the Applicant against the Estate of Nancy Hall.  The fraud of David Taylor are: the falsification of the court records that unlawfully clogged up the equity of Nancy Hall and stop her from her carrying out her normal duties as a businesswoman and caused her early death.  The fraud on the Applicant for which he lost more than $60k to David Taylor for no work done including his dishonest inducement to make the Applicant do free building work for him.  David Taylor has yet to acknowledge the free building work done for him.
11.5. There was no requirement for the latter to attend before Registrar Powell as he had made his position clear to David Taylor that he is not the lawyer acting for Nancy Hall in CIV1131 of 2006 as a result of the dispute of its commencement or the Single Issue.  All these matters are the subject of the Committee investigations into the dispute between David Taylor and Mr. Chin and therefore, the Committee has no jurisdiction to dismiss those Complaints.
 11.6. The non-attendance of the latter before Registrar Powell caused the $300.00 improper costs order made by Registrar Powell against the latter, which David Taylor knew was caused by his own misleading statement to the learned Registrar.
11.7. The improper costs of $300.00 by Registrar Powell caused the latter to defend his case against Maurice Law who was misled by David Taylor to pay $400.00 to get back the false hope of $300.00 of Registrar Powell’s costs order by institute a false claim against Mr. Chin in Midland CA 2475 of 2006.
11.8. The dispute of the improper costs order has been properly recorded and provided to the Committee by Mr. Chin and there is no reason that there is insufficient evidence in this regard to found the professional misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct of David Taylor.

12: The Applicant has made all representations that are necessary for Complaint 5.  He is satisfied that the representations would cause Mr. Taylor to be found guilty of professional misconduct or unsatisatisfactory conduct.  As indicated above, he is now clarifying the issue which the Committee already knows because the information has been provided by Mr. Chin himself.  The Committee has to protect the public interests and instead it is reasonably found to be protecting its own vested interests.
13. Complaint 6 and 7 relates to the Single Issue and the False Affidavit of David Taylor aided by the misleading letter of Registrar Powell contradicting the facts of the Single Issue.  SAT does not want to know the facts of the Single Issue because it is paying deference to Registrar Powell who had abused his powers as a public officer to protect his own crony David Taylor.  SAT does not want to know that David Taylor took $2000.00 from the Applicant for the purpose of effecting the Single Issue and this was not done but this sum is never recorded in the trust Account of David Taylor.  Why is there no professional misconduct on this count alone? Why is Mr. Chin being blamed for minor things when he did not even abuse trust account monies. This happens despite the Applicant having inquired from David Taylor and SAT why the trust monies are not kept in the trust account?

14 and 15: SAT has found the truth to the Single Issue and yet President Chaney keeps on avoiding that issue.  Simon O’Brien illegible written statement has no significance to the Single Issue.  Yet SAT has accepted it. SAT supplanted the seven page Irrelevant Document to replace the ONLY DOCUMENT it had withheld from the Applicant.  Is this not plain that President Chaney is avoiding the issue at all costs and is making attempts to defeat justice for the sake of his friend David
Taylor and Registrar Powell again and again.  He is denying the conspiracy which is plain and clear to any one.  President Chaney is simply ignoring the Applicant’s complaint and does not give any reason why he is ignoring it. 

16. The arguments of Mr. Ni Kok Chin make no mistakes and no confusion.  The confusion is caused by His Honour Owen JA self-contradicting rationale as to how the fresh evidence of Registrar Powell’s letter dated 11.6.2009 found at page 136 of the Yellow Appeal Book could be properly rejected by the Court of Appeal and His Honour failed in this regard.  President Chaney found favour in this illogical argument.  

17. There is no payment of the court fees made either on 10.2.2006 or 16.2.2006 as provided for in THE ONLY DOCUMENT that was withheld by SAT from Maurice Law which document was observed by Maurice Law on 30.11.2012.  Even the Seven Irrelevant Documents that was supplanted by SAT cannot tally with the falsehood of David Taylor false Affidavit sworn 29.3.2007 in CIV 1131 of 2006.  President Chaney is confused himself with the facts of the case and the real situation is, His Honour is trying to avoid the truth by relying on the RED HERRING of Registrar Powell.

18. Simmonds J pointed out the discrepancies (between the stamp date of Writ of Summons in CIV1131 of 2006 as 10.2.2006 and the actual date of payment of the court fees in CIV 1131 of 2006 that was also stamp-dated 10.2.2006 but subsequently altered to 16.2.2006) to Ms. Nancy Hall.  Nancy took the evidence from His Honour Simmonds J  to Mr. Ni Kok Chin and she requested the latter to protect it and to fight her case against the fraud of David Taylor for the falsification of the date of Commencement of CIV1131 of 2006 or the Single Issue.  Subsequently, Simmonds J was misled by David Taylor who was fronting Nancy Hall at court before Simmonds J.  Nancy is a victim of psychiatric morbidity and she called on Mr. NI KOK CHIN to witness the proceedings before Simmonds J but David Taylor got the court usher to usher him out of the court.  I was there to tell Justice Simmonds that as a solicitor I was ousted by David Taylor from representing Nancy Hall in her case and Nancy had to fight her own case as a disabled person. On that same day, David Taylor has the inspiration to make that swear false Affidavit creating the First Myth of the Single Issue. This was the subject of the documented complaint to the court and to the Committee. It is a professional misconduct for David Taylor to chase Mr. Chin out of his solicitor’s position for Nancy Hall in order to clandestinely derive a benefit from the fraud against Nancy Estate that was being perpetrated through Mrs. Audrey Hall. At the same time he refused to perform his duties as solicitor to the Applicant by acting aggressively towards him and intimidating him to pay him legal fees for which he does not intend to provide the quid pro quo and this is professional misconduct.  He refused to protect his own client’s interests against the Estate of Nancy Hall.  In short, he allowed Nancy’s estate to be defrauded and at the same time was in dereliction of his own duties to Spunter so as to cause the loss of Spunter’s claim as a legitimate creditor of Nancy’s estate and this is happening till today. (Driven Out of Court by David Taylor).

19. The allegation of lying and conspiracy is not without foundation as found by President Chaney.  This is the Single Issue that was being avoided by Justice Chaney at all material times, right from the start even before this case.  The Applicant thought he had changed into a new leaf but this does not happen even most recently. This issue warrants a new trial so that the issue may be trashed out.  Again, why did the President withhold that ONLY DOCUMENT viewed by Maurice Law through Jacqui on 30.11.2011?   SAT will not find David Taylor guilty of professional misconduct and Unsatisfactory Conduct if it avoid the evidence before it.  

20. The Order dismissing the Application for Leave in relation to complaint 6 and 7 is improperly dismissed without jurisdiction by President Chaney and it is therefore NULL and VOID.

21. President Chaney prejudged the issue of Complaint 1 (sic: should be Complaint 5) in relation to David Taylor having encouraged the Applicant to sue Mr. Chin for no reasonable grounds in that he found that it is unreasonable.  It cannot be unreasonable because it is not trivial as it affects the livelihood of Mr. Chin, it also affects the Applicant being fleeced of $60k and giving free building works to David Taylor. It is not frivolous because it is true and relevant to the single Issue. It is not unreasonable because the Applicant does not make an illogical complaint. It relates directly to the Applicant’s own personal interests. Because of the dereliction of duties of David Taylor, the Applicant is on the brink of bankruptcy, he is being chased by solicitors for improper costs orders like that of Master Sanderson in CIV1775 of 2008 by Mr. Anthony Prime.  It can drive the Applicant to suicide or heart attacks. Justice is being defeated because the just creditor is not getting his money from the estate of Nancy Hall which is not bankrupt. The Supreme Court of Western is established for the purpose of delivering justice to the common people of Australia and here we see Justice Chaney is trying to defeat justice. The prejudgment words of Justice Chaney is clear from the intention of President Chaney to dismiss Complaint 5 on the next hearing date of 13.3.2012 because His Honour subconsciously says that the contention of David Taylor that since Complaints 6 and 7 are dismissed therefore Complaint 5 or Complaint 1 must also be dismissed as “there is obvious force in that contention”.  There is no such force in that argument because Complaint 6 and 7 are not unreasonable if there has been proper findings of facts and law by SAT and therefore no leave should have been required at all for both complaints to be reviewed under s.453(2) of the LP Act.  The Refusal to Review Complaint 5, 6 and 7 is unfounded on the facts and the law and is therefore improper thereby rendering the order of President Chaney NULL and VOID.  As there is obvious apprehended bias on the part of President Chaney as His Honour had subsconciously betrayed his intention to dismiss Complaint 5 even before its hearing date scheduled on 13.3.2012, His Honour should therefore recuse himself from that hearing.   


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