Monday, January 13, 2014


PROFITEERS of OPPRESSION Inbox x John Wilson 28/11/2013 to Wilsons Dear Fellow Freedom Fighters, CORPORATIZATION like never before.............. with cartoons. In Australia, there is an entire INDUSTRY of OPPRESSION with LAWYERS as PROFITEERS quick to STEAL & KILL & DESTROY - which are the words in JOHN 10:10 to describe THIEVES. OPPRESSION IS SLAVERY and WE THE PEOPLE are DUMBED DOWN from every angle with TASER-PACKING POLICE patrolling Sydney's Railway Stations in increasing numbers who are there to "protect" us ......... but, anyone with a brain to think with can see the TRUTH. OPPRESSION & SLAVERY are inseparable in our "one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom" from the phoney "Governor-General" to the TASER-PACKING "We don't need a warrant. We're the POLICE" thugs who trespass and assault, with or without being told to do so by their superiors. Here is a subtle example of the INDUSTRY of OPPRESSION, vel SLAVERY, that is ever-present. Yesterday, I was handing out leaflets at Parramatta Railway Station when a tall well-dressed lawyer took one of the leaflets - only to hand it back to me with a card of his own (attached as "FINES001.pdf"). He was obviously a "debt collecting" lawyer and we started a conversation with my saying "Do you know that grants and promises of fines and forfeitures before conviction are illegal and void?" .. to which he said nothing ... etc., etc.,.... and he departed saying "Don't forget to pay your fines on time!" His card was from the "Australian Institute of Administrative Law" and, on looking up the website, it is one of those "Forget Common Law Rights - Just Do What You're Told By Your Masters" affairs. Below I have copied-n-pasted the agenda from their latest "AIAL FORUM" and did not see the need to look any further. This brainwashing is being coupled with the now-familiar unbelievably unlawful stealing and destruction conducted by a Bureaucracy which WE pay for. .... and all because WE let them get away with it because WE are too brain-dead to bother to read and learn a little COMMON LAW. On my wheelie-bag I have an A3 of "ABOLISH SLAVERY IN AUSTRALIA (etc) " (attached) and I wear an A2 of "TRIAL BY JURY means JUSTICE FOR ALL, NO BAD LAWS and NO POLICE STATE"(attached) ... and I have quite a few discussions with a wide variety of people and quite a few arguments with lawyers ...... but, there again, many lawyers congratulate me and express support for the cause. "Such is life", as Ned said..... but we are not dead, yet. Yours sincerely, John Wilson. ***********************************************

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