Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Constitution and Local Government .. “UPDATE” ..  5 June 2013.

Rule of Law to govern must be contrasted against the “rule” of tyrants and dictators!
In Australia the Rule of Law established for our country 110 years has been corrupted by party politics without our consent – that means the political party system is corrupt. The correct way to fix it should be through the courts, but, the State courts are also corrupt!!! Decisions are often based on the corporatised style of “government” called the Australian system of government which causes our constitutional freedoms and rights to be refused.
Please ask yourself: “Who then are the tyrants and dictators in this country?”
Also ask: “What am I doing about that, and how do I join other concerned people? 

Constitutional change to S 96 … to bring “Local Government” into the Constitution.
The federal government has just released the following Bill into Parliament. (Quote):
96 Financial assistance to States and local government bodies
During a period of ten years after the establishment of the Commonwealth and thereafter until the Parliament otherwise provides, the Parliament may grant financial assistance to any State, or local government body formed by a law of a State, on such terms and conditions as the Parliament thinks fit.  (End of quote)
The underlined part is to be added to the constitution if referendum approval is provided in September. The Bill says it will start after “Royal Assent” is provided!  BUT …

Consider whether the Bill is legitimate in that there is no lawful Parliament - Lower and Upper Houses – nor is there a lawful G-General. Since 2003 the act of the WA Governor to prorogue Parliament is deficient due to the fact he stands there in “power” without a WA constitutional change authorising his appointment in a new WA constitutional setup which (now) supposedly exists without the lawful/constitutional Crown (of the UK).
[Check the Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003 (No 65 of 2003) in WA, and, check what requires a referendum in WA if repeal of a constitutional setting of this nature is proposed in WA!]
Corruption of Commonwealth constitutional arrangements is a consequence of the WA changes as the (now!) “Governor” is not lawfully there. He had no authority to prorogue the Senate members of Western Australia in the Commonwealth Parliament in either the 2004, 2007 or 2010 leadup to elections. Why is this corruption not discussed by media?
What does this mean to you and I as we try to live in Australia?  Further …

What are the likely consequences if the proposed constitutional change is approved?
  1. Power to Canberra to make conditional grants on their terms. It’s a power grab!
  2. The door is opened to constitutional recognition of “local government”.  BUT … do we actually have true “government” at this level? NO!   Are we not going to muddy the waters with THREE “levels of government” arguing about who does what! It’s a mess with TWO level of “government” without a third one!
  3. People do not trust the councils! Transparency and efficiency is doubtful to say the least. More power to councils through federal funding is a serious issue!
  4. Grants of federal funds to State governments occur now .. with some terms and conditions, so, why not grant money through the States to the councils now?    The need for the proposed change must have some other motive! What is it?
  5. We are over governed now! So, why cement into the constitution a third tier we all rejected in referendums held in 1974, and again in 1988. It doesn’t make sense!

The Attorney-General would have us believe nothing else will change, but I have no confidence in his statements to the public, nor in the push to get more federal power.

Councils in the action – unlawfully.  Public money for political purposes is not allowed.
Is your council giving to the Municipal Association of Victoria [MAV] to support a YES vote?  If so, how lawful is that, and, what are you doing about it?
I have emailed the Whitehorse City Council Mayor, placing this before him:
Last week the Leader newspaper provided detail of an intended payment of $50,000 from council to the MAV to support a YES vote in the upcoming referendum.
Given the statutory constraints on council in the LGA, Section 3 - to serve the community - then Whitehorse Ratepayers & Residents Assoc. says this money spent hardly serves the community!
It is a discriminatory attitude to support one side of the community argument, and it is unacceptably "political" to spend ratepayers public money in this way.
I would appreciate your attention to this as a matter of public concern for the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 enables people to make a "disclosure" about improper conduct by Councillors and Council officers. One such disclosure is listed as:  • A substantial mismanagement of public resources.    I look forward to your response within 7 days.

Australia Local Government Association (ALGA) “Local Government NEWS - on   29 May 2013” – President Mayor Lewis has an article which says: (Quote)
“Without direct funding from the Australian Government for local roads and community infrastructure, councils would not be able to provide all the services that our communities need,” Mayor Lewis said.
“Councils simply can’t afford to fund the growing list of services that have been passed on to local government in recent years without Commonwealth support. We need the vote of every MP to ensure the Constitutional Alteration Bill is passed and every Australian has the opportunity to vote on this important issue at a referendum.”
To allow councils to continue to receive federal funding directly without it having to be administered by State Governments, the Federal Government is proposing to include the following additional words in Section 96 of the Constitution:
…the Parliament may grant financial assistance to any State, or local government body formed by a law of a state, on such terms and conditions as the Parliament thinks fit.
“It is acknowledgement of the reality that the Commonwealth partners with local governments to deliver local roads, sporting fields, libraries, child care and other community services,” Mayor Lewis said.” (End of quote)

Ask why States cannot be provided grants with terms and conditions to permit local roads and community infrastructure .. and for ALL the services that our communities need?
Ask why should councils try to afford funding a growing list of services that have been passed on to local government (by other governments?) without support from them?
Ask why should the State be removed from administering funds to its own department? Don’t forget, municipal councils are creatures of statute of the State. And, the State should remain totally responsible for them.   VOTE NO to the referendum.

Municipal Association of Victoria [MAV] has improper part to play.
It is reliably reported that at the 2012 State council of the MAV it was resolved to issue a "voluntary levy" on all member Councils as a contribution to funding the national "Yes" campaign in the event that the referendum were to proceed. The methodology used for calculating the levy for each Council is based on population and revenue.

So, are my “rates” also a “voluntary levy”?  What happens if a council does not pay?

Public Meeting on 25 June 2013 “Voting, democracy and transparency”. Whitehorse Ratepayers & Residents Assoc. has arranged for Mayor Munroe to speak at a public meeting on 25 June 2013.  
Discussions on council TRANSPARENCY,  Council elections, S 96 referendum, etc.
It will be in the MU Hall, 8 Main Street, Blackburn at 8.00pm.  Diary date it, and, tell others to be there. Support the efforts of this organisation, be ready with questions for the Mayor, and make sure a good number attend as this is an important public event.

Rates. Tell me if you (or a friend) are facing council legal action, being taken to court for not paying “rates”. If you are unable to pay rates, or have chosen not to, let me know too.
There are workings by RVI towards a Class Action, and, it will be of interest to you.
It is important you send me your email to get on the Class Action interest list, and get to see your friends are added there too.  Send details to:
This will not commit you to financial obligation, however, finances are needed at the moment to kick initial legal directions into proper place.
Support funds can go into the Commonwealth Bank BSB 063146 A/C 10274393 and will only be spent on the work to move this CA forward – and particularly, with my approval.

Whitehorse City Council [WCC] .. my “rates” issues.
Consider the CEO has told the Rates Manager “make sure Olney pays his rates!”
Council lawyers gave until 31 May 2013 to me to make payment of rates and charges. BUT … I made an offer to council which is responding to council calling me “owner”. For more info.  … Google
I am still waiting for WCC to answer my specific questions – including how it establishes I have “liability” – before I pay “rates” this year.  Council’s legal hounds were provided  a letter of concern as council has not been transparent at this stage.

Agenda 21.  Environmental sustainability agenda by UN forces affecting councils. This is done through ICLEI, and a recent ICLEI gathering reported “attendees dismayed over growing grassroots opposition to Green agenda”. Well, I hope you consider the impact of Agenda 21 and stop it in its tracks. Check to see what your council is committed to with “sustainability” in its agenda, and for why?

RVI …VOTE NO campaign.
Ratepayers Victoria is active with a Vote NO campaign. The material below is for your use as ONE way to discuss the issue with other family members and friends. At present not too many people are aware of the constitutional change in mind, so it is very useful to get the message out at an early date and to share wise thoughts across the nation.
Use ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’ and any social media means to spread the message for a NO vote on the day.
Consider carefully why it is the federal government is not properly using State means to provide funds to councils now!  There is NO NEED for this constitutional change.

Pass on this ‘Update’ to others in your connections, and more widely.
     I look forward to keeping you "in the loop". Meantime, keep in touch with me.
Contact: Peter Olney ..   Ph: (03) 9874 0784.


Why is the federal government wanting to have power to pay directly to councils?
What is the consequence of approving the government referendum proposal?
How can we stand against unfettered federal power?   Vote NO.  Vote NO.

A third tier of government was refused in 1988 at referendum - the people spoke!
This will be the third attempt by the federal power hungry politicians to alter the constitution – Ie. 1974, 1988, and now!

If this new referendum is passed:
1.      a means for federal power to over-ride State power is established!
2.      the legal door is opened to a third level of “government”.
3.      the door is also opened to the ultimate demise of the sovereign States as our life experience is that “he who pays the piper calls the tune”.
4.      what “terms and conditions as the Parliament thinks fit” will likely be tied to the federal funds provided to councils?
5.      there is NO guarantee of certain federal funds to councils!

Remember well:
1.      the federation of States has a purpose – to protect you from tyrants!
2.      States can be provided federal money through S 96 now, so why the power grab?
3.      there is NO reason for federal power to be exercised in State affairs.
4.      a Westminster system of government does not hold councils as government!
5.      the Constitution sets out there are only TWO levels of government.
6.      the deception/s provided by government/s is a sad legacy in this country - we have to be wise and more than careful about this matter.

Ratepayers and residents are involved – all property owners will be affected.
A submission was made by Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc. to the Expert Panel last year. See the Expert Panel Final Report - submission 240.

Ratepayers Victoria Inc. supported the submission. To the above thought provoking
and important aspects to the referendum proposal must be added an article in the Sydney Morning Herald by Chris Berg – which gives far-reaching material!!!

Chris highlights government tyranny “The bill authorises the government to spend money on 415 areas of public policy without having to ask Parliament for permission ever again” So, the question has to be asked about intentions and transparency of federal Parliament? Put another way, Don Chipp of Australian Democrats continued saying we have to “keep the b………. honest”. The only way to do that is to again VOTE NO.

For more vital material to use on councils then Google
Contact:  Peter Olney1/21 Cobham Road, Mitcham, 3132    Em:

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