Saturday, June 29, 2013

THE REGULATOR HAS OBLIGATIONS TO BE HONEST WHEN PROSECUTING LAWYERS Legal Services Commissioner’s obligations of fairness Posted: 29 Jun 2013 06:41 AM PDT I have previously reported Justice Finkelstein’s views about the obligations of those who prosecute proceedings for a penalty (‘‘I would hold that a regulatory body that brings a civil proceeding to recover a penalty is under an obligation similar to that owed by a prosecutor to an accused.’). Barristers who are briefed by the Legal Services Commissioner in disciplinary proceedings have the same obligations as barristers briefed to prosecute criminal proceedings. But until tonight I was unaware that VCAT’s predecessor, the Legal Profession Tribunal, had actually indicated that the regulator himself (as opposed to his lawyers) owe obligations. In Victorian Lawyers RPA Ltd v Kaine [2001] VLPT 16, Senior Member Howell, Victoria’s most experienced decision maker in legal disciplinary matters, said of the Law Institute (which was for a while formally named ‘Victorian Lawyers RPA Ltd’) that it owed: ‘the obligations normally owed by a prosecutor, such as the obligation to bring to the attention of the Tribunal or to the attention of the practitioner any evidence that might be favourable to the practitioner’. This is what he said, more fully: ‘The role of an RPA in disciplinary proceedings: Mr. Senathirajah of counsel, who appeared for Victorian Lawyers RPA Limited, described the role of an RPA in the present proceedings as involving in general terms the investigation of a complaint by Mr. Milder, the formation of a view as to whether there was a reasonable likelihood that the Tribunal would find Mr. Kaine guilty of misconduct and, being satisfied that the Tribunal would make such a finding, to bring a charge before the Tribunal and to present evidence in support of the charge. In substance, Mr. Senathirajah contended that, having formed the view that there was a reasonable likelihood that the Tribunal would make a finding of misconduct, Victorian Lawyers RPA Limited was obliged to bring a charge of misconduct before the Tribunal and to assist the Tribunal to hear and determine the charge. Mr. Senathirajah contended that Victorian Lawyers RPA Limited had done nothing more than carry out its statutory obligations, and that no special circumstances had arisen. I do not see the role of an RPA during the hearing of disciplinary proceedings to be to assist the Tribunal. The Tribunal welcomes assistance, but I see the role of an RPA in disciplinary proceedings to be that of a prosecutor. Of course, that role assumes the obligations normally owed by a prosecutor, such as the obligation to bring to the attention of the Tribunal or to the attention of the practitioner any evidence that might be favourable to the practitioner.’


  1. L Fedeli
    Jun 30 (2 days ago)

    to CentralAuthori., bevan, Colin, jason, Geoffrey, postmaster, Wayne.Swan.MP, Joanne, admin, chambers.justi., Christy.Mellif., ian.thomson, Ken.Wriedt, Nigel.A.Cooper, Saie.Neal, supreme, SupremeCourt.E., clerk
    Australian social media flexes its muscle and plays a part in taking down former Prime Minister Julia Gillard
    by Shane Dowling
    Julia Gillard Prime Ministership ended on Wednesday (26/6/13) and it worth looking at the role social media played in her down fall as a lot of people underestimate the power of social media. Looking at all of the evidence there is a strong argument to say that social media played the biggest part in forcing the Labor Party to remove Mrs […]

    Yeah, social media can remove prime ministers, members of parliament, Bishops Cardinals all ministers of the clergy but can't remove a fraudster district court judge.
    They can pulls your legs with stupid response for years as the following;
    Thank you for your email enquiry sent to the Supreme Court of New South
    Wales. This message confirms that your enquiry has been received and that
    it will be attended to by no later than the next 3 working days. If you
    have alerted us to an imminent listing date or other deadline, we will
    address your enquiry with appropriate urgency.
    Department of Attorney General and Justice - Promoting a Just and Safe Society.
    They can bullshit with ;Promoting a Just and Safe Society. Not evidences that those individuals are or were legal practitioners. And the Social Media keep quite. Those scarecrows of the judiciaries must be very scary.

    To submit an enquiry please complete the following form or send an email to

    Dear Lamberto Fedeli,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    We'll get back to you as soon as possible.


    This is the usual response from those criminals, for my complaints when I place it in their window.


    And you keep sending email, placing your letters on they appropriate windows, send emails printed through Aussie Post and they keep responding with more bullshits. They must be the most bullshit artists of the whole world and loaded with shit. A Current Affair and all the Social Media I contacted is scared stiff to hazard a single response, but they are crucify only soft targets like petty crooks. Aesop was alright when say "we hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office" two thousand and five hundred years ago, and still we do.

    in the case of: THE QUEEN v. ROGERSON [1992] HCA 25; (1992) 174 CLR 268 -
    3. Justice, as the law understands it, consists in the enjoyment of rights and the suffering of liabilities by persons who are subject to the law to an extent and in a manner which accords with the law applicable to the actual circumstances of the case. The course of justice consists in the due exercise by a court or competent judicial authority of its jurisdiction to enforce, adjust or declare the rights and liabilities of persons subject to the law in accordance with the law and the actual circumstances of the case (19) Reg. v. Todd (1957) SASR, at p 328. The course of justice is perverted (or obstructed) by impairing (or preventing the exercise of) the capacity of a court or competent judicial authority to do justice. The ways in which a court or competent judicial authority may be impaired in (or prevented from exercising) its capacity to do justice are various. Those ways comprehend, in our opinion, erosion of the integrity of the court or competent judicial authority, hindering of access to it, deflecting applications that would be made to it, denying it knowledge of the relevant law or of the true circumstances of the case, and impeding the free exercise of its jurisdiction and powers including the powers of executing its decisions. An act which has a tendency to effect any such impairment is the actus reus of an attempt to pervert the course of justice (20) It seems that the act, though otherwise lawful, may be unlawful by reason of the intent to pervert the course of justice: Reg. v. Kellett (1976) QB 372, at p 391. An act which effects any such impairment is the actus reus of a perversion of the course of justice. An agreement that an act be done which has such an effect and which is not otherwise justified in law is the actus reus of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Each of these offences requires a specific intent. In the case of an attempt to pervert the course of justice, and in the case of perverting the course of justice, the intent which must accompany the relevant actus reus is that the course of justice should be perverted in one of the ways mentioned. To define the intent required in a case of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, the law of conspiracy must be examined.

  3. MASON C.J. in the context of necessity for a conspiracy to produce a public mischief in para. 6 of the case of THE QUEEN v. ROGERSON [1992] HCA 25; (1992) 174 CLR 268 said:
    "6. In R. v. Porter (23) (1910) 1 KB 369, it was said that no specific intent was required on a charge of conspiracy to produce a public mischief consisting in an agreement to indemnify a bail against his liability. To an argument that it was necessary to find an intent to obstruct and pervert the course of justice, Lord Alverstone C.J. replied (24) ibid., at p 373 that it was "difficult to conceive any act more likely to tend to produce a public mischief" than an agreement to indemnify a bail. In R. v. Boston (25) [1923] HCA 59; (1923) 33 CLR 386, at p 392, Knox C.J. put an even broader proposition:
    "It is settled law that an agreement or combination to do an
    act which tends to produce a public mischief amounts to a
    criminal conspiracy. In such a case the tendency of the
    agreement is a conclusion of law and there is no necessity
    for a finding by the jury of intent (R. v. Porter)."


    "What makes a conspiracy unlawful is the unlawfulness of its intended object or the unlawfulness of the means intended to effect its object, as Willes J., delivering the opinion of the judges in Mulcahy v. The Queen (21) (1868) LR 3 HL 306, at p 317, said:
    "A conspiracy consists not merely in the intention of two
    or more, but in the agreement of two or more to do an
    unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. So
    long as such a design rests in intention only, it is not
    indictable. When two agree to carry it into effect, the
    very plot is an act in itself, and the act of each of the
    parties, promise against promise, actus contra actum,
    capable of being enforced, if lawful, punishable if for a
    criminal object or for the use of criminal means.""

    "As the "very plot" is the actus reus of the offence, the offence is complete before any further unlawful act is done or any further lawful act is done to carry the unlawful object into effect. When Willes J. spoke of an "unlawful act", he was speaking of an act which has not occurred when the conspiracy is formed. He must have meant an act which, if done in circumstances contemplated by the conspirators, would be unlawful. Although acts done in pursuance of an apparent agreement often furnish the evidentiary foundation for inferring that a criminal conspiracy was formed, those acts are not themselves elements of the offence. In that sense, it is immaterial whether an act done in pursuance of a criminal conspiracy is, in the event, unlawful, provided the act was intended to be done in circumstances which, had they eventuated, would have made the act unlawful. In the present case, we are concerned with an alleged conspiracy to do an unlawful act, namely, an act that would have the effect of perverting the course of justice. THE PROSECUTION HAD TO PROVE THAT THE CONSPIRATORS INTENDED THAT, IF THE RELEVANT ACT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO THE CONSPIRACY AND IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES CONTEMPLATED BY THE CONSPIRATORS, IT WOULD HAVE THE EFFECT OF PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. A conspiracy to pervert the course of justice may be entered into though no proceedings before a court or before any other competent judicial authority are then pending (22) See R. v. Sharpe (1938) 1 All ER 48, at p 51 or are even contemplated by anyone other than the conspirators. A coven of criminals who agree to commit a crime and to mislead the subsequent investigation so that an innocent person will be prosecuted for the crime-to-be-committed are guilty not only of a conspiracy to commit the crime but also of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by inducing the institution of a false prosecution. At the time of such a conspiracy, no prosecution for the yet-to-be-committed crime could be pending and no prosecution for that crime would be contemplated by anyone other than the conspirators, yet the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice would be complete.

    "7. Of course, where there is an agreement to do an act that has a manifest tendency to pervert the course of justice, proof of an agreement to do the act may suffice to prove the intent thereby to pervert the course of justice. But, if the act to be done is of such a nature that its tendency to pervert the course of justice is not manifest, proof of an agreement that the act be done does not, without more, amount to proof of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice: in such a case, there has to be proof of an intent to do an act that will have the effect of perverting the course of justice. The state of an alleged conspirator's knowledge of the nature of the relevant act is of critical importance (26) Reg. v. Churchill (1967) 2 AC 224; see also Thomson (1965) 50 Cr App R 1, at p 2. An act which is not known to have the tendency or is not intended to have the effect of perverting the course of justice is not an act the doing of which attracts a liability to punishment as for an attempt to pervert, or a perverting of, the course of justice. An agreement that such an act be done made among persons who do not know that the act has such a tendency and who do not intend it to have that effect is not a conspiracy to do an unlawful act. To establish a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, it is necessary to prove an agreement to do an act which the conspirators either know will have a manifest tendency to pervert the course of justice or which the conspirators intend to have such an effect. In this context, knowledge and intent relate to the acts and circumstances contemplated by the conspirators; the legal complexion of those acts and circumstances is a question of law.

    n Kalick v. The King, a bribe to a policeman to induce him not to prosecute for an offence against the Saskatchewan Temperance Act was held to be a corrupt interference with the due "administration of justice" for the purposes of s.157 of the Canadian
    Criminal Code. Anglin J. said (32) (1920) 55 DLR 104, at p 109:
    " It is quite immaterial whether the police officer
    actually intended or contemplated instituting a
    prosecution. It suffices that the appellant gave the
    bribe with intent to head off such a proceeding. The due
    administration of justice is interfered with quite as much
    by improperly preventing the institution of a prosecution
    as by corruptly burking one already begun."

    10. When the Crown must rely on inference to prove the intent of alleged conspirators to pervert the course of justice by the doing of an act which tends to mislead the police in their conduct of an investigation into a possible offence, the evidence must be capable of supporting at least -
    (1) an inference that the conspirators believed that the
    police might invoke the jurisdiction of a court or of
    some competent judicial authority or might invoke that
    jurisdiction unless the relevant act deflected them;
    (2) a further inference that the conspirators either knew
    that the relevant act would have a manifest tendency to
    pervert the course of justice in a relevant respect or
    intended that the act should have that effect.
    It is not sufficient for the Crown to prove merely an intention to deceive the police.


    Jim MacLeod
    Jul 10 (3 days ago)

    to me, GREGORY-JOHN
    In a world of delusions there are several out and about looking for the sanctuary they believe exists – and below is an item that has come to light mere moments ago – but before that were several emails three of which I will attach - from Neil Lunney
    But read this and ponder about the time frame of admission to practice from articled clerk and into what system were you entered? The time frame from 2004 till when you were admitted seems to suggests that you are a practitioner in the “revamped” legal system –
    NICHOLAS CLARIFY the respective times of the state changes to the system you were alleged to be qualified to practice in – before the several upsets that you personally fell afoul of - and establish the time of your admission to “practice” before your disbarment – and banishment

    As sent previous GT you are aware of the whole raft of stages from Pangean realm to Tribal / Clan Chieftains to Priest Kings / Pharaohs and matters of Church and State and the Papal anointments of Charlemagne (800)and thence William Conqueror (1066)and on towards Magna Carta (1215) and the emergence of the now obsolete Westminster systems and the Commonwealth illusion miasma being dissolved and re constituted almost as if by some vampirical alchemical process through assorted changes and collusive practise perpetrated in shadows of the hollow governance of the nation(s) while folks are distracted otherwise.

    So there is now this legion of outcry and concerns about the parlous state of the Commonwealth the constitution and the corporatisation and the removal of ID – the robot like transformation from human to cyborg-citizens seems inherent in all of this – for some purpose that we should have all known about but have been obstructed from knowing about – so
    a) The Queen is Quasi –

    b) The Commonwealth has become something else

    c) The US and Australia and Canada are all conflicted as is the UK

    d) The government is shadowy and corrupted

    e) The Judiciary is complicit and compromised

    f) The higher courts are all it seems very much in the know and are not agencies willing to make proper redress – despite all the clamour for this….

    g) It sadly looks fait accompli – but perhaps not yet quite game-set and match and

    h) meanwhile local locals think they can hold sway over the genuine citizen who has a change making capacity while those local yokels simultaneously reek of being part of the problem – not part of the solution –

    It is time for a reality check on all this and whatever else has been criminally covered-up and prevented from the true wellbeing of the collective community.
    MacLeod (J

    Published on 6 Jul 2013

    Brian Shaw presenting STOP THE ELECTION Destiny Centre

    Australian Christian Nation
    "Humbly Relying on the Blessing of Almighty God"

    The Criminal Act of Treason
    "Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practices Act 2003"
    Section 130. Supreme Court Act 1935 amended -- (THE MASONIC ACT)
    (1)The amendments in this section are to the Supreme Court Act 1935
    (3)Section 9(1) is amended by deleting "Her Majesty" and inserting instead — " the Governor ".
    (4)Section 15(1) is amended by deleting "Royal Arms" and inserting instead — " armorial bearings of the State ".
    (9)Section 119 is amended by deleting "to Her Majesty or any of her subjects, or other persons entitled in like manner as subjects".
    (12)The Second Schedule is amended by deleting "our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and successors" and inserting instead —
    " the State of Western Australia ".

  13. Let us look at what went wrong initially....
    "On 1st January 2004, the Government of Western Australia at Perth, Western Australia, inclusive of the Executive Legislature and Judicial arms, in agreement with "the Commonwealth", did enact an overt Act
    titled "Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act 2003 WA".
    By such enactment an Act of Treason was committed.
    Such Treason has been concealed by the defendant, since the date of enactment up to and inclusive of the present date."

    Further, in Victoria, the Courts and Tribunals Legislation (Further Amendment) Act 2000 (Vic) was assented to on 5 September 2000, with removal of the oath of allegiance which
    accorded with the Constitution. At PART 2, Legal Practice Act 1996, Section 3, it states "Oath of allegiance no longer required" it requires the Court to establish "the form and manner" required. However, NO statute can cause a Court to have power the
    constitution disallows -- as the Court sits in judgment only. The fact remains, the Court has NO power to substitute or make constitutional law!

    Chief Magistrate Ian Gray stated in open Court:
    "You will not be relying on the Constitution in my Court"
    The Charge remains pending Grand Jury

    Oath as per Schedule in Constitution of Australia:
    I, A.B., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen
    Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law. SO HELP ME GOD!
    I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear
    true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law

    Legal Practice Act (Vic) Oath of Allegiance removed
    The Offence of Treason is "Breach of Allegiance”

    From: Nicholas N Chin []
    Sent: Sunday, 7 July 2013 5:39 PM
    To: 'Jim MacLeod'


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jim MacLeod []
    Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:09 PM
    To: 'Nicholas N Chin'

    Nicholas if you have no rights in the first place under the constitution - - that it has been DAMAGED - in the sense it seems that it too is no longer valid – THEN it seems that you can’t use the courts – consider that and get back to me.

    From: [] On Behalf Of Nicholas N Chin
    Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2013 1:29 PM
    To: Jim MacLeod
    Subject: Re: FW: News from the Jews


    On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Jim MacLeod wrote:


    John Wilson
    Jul 10 (3 days ago)

    to Wilsons
    Dear Fellow Freedom Fighters,

    Being a CLERK in the PUBLIC SERVICE must be a dreadful torment that stirs an INFERIORITY COMPLEX like nothing else.

    This is most apparent in the offices of OUR COURTS, where these miserable wretches try to find every conceivable way to BIG NOTE themselves.

    They THINK they have the POWER to CONTROL OUR LIVES.


    They THINK they TAKE OUT their REVENGE on SOCIETY, as if others are to blame for their INADEQUACIES.

    This VENGEFULNESS extends to the "heights" of 'JUDGES" and "MAGISTRATES" whose actual commissions are quite illegitimate - there being NO legitimate appointments for Australian Governors from the only proper and constitutional source, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

    This EMBARRASSING situation (especially when one CHALLENGES their Jurisdiction) causes all sorts of hysteria and DUMMY-SPITTING with so-called "JUDGMENTS" that have no other purpose than to CAUSE PAIN & SUFFERING to anyone who stands up against them.

    Milovan Stankovic is a typical VICTIM, as this wave of completely CONTRARY-TO-THE-TRUTH "JUDGMENTS" are "handed down".

    There are countless hundreds of thousands of DEFENCELESS men and women and children being treated INHUMANELY .. and FAMILIES being smashed ... and being plunged into DEPRESSION and HOPELESSNESS.

    But, there is a REMEDY!

    The JUROR'S OATH includes the prayer of "SO HELP ME GOD".

    "All law hangs on loving GOD and loving one's neighbour as oneself" ,,,,,, I repeat, "All law hangs on loving GOD and loving one's neighbour as oneself".

    YES, therein lies the ANSWER......... TRIAL BY JURY .... "For where two or more are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them" to guide their Judgment and deliver Justice.

    What a wonderful world it would be if GOD came back that way, and we could GO TO COURT for what COURTS are supposed to be ..... places where JUSTICE is administered.

    Admittedly, the THIEVES and TRAITORS wouldn't like it, but that's just TOUGH!!!! ..... and, yep, the tin-pot egomaniac public servants would be emphatically made to behave themselves.

    Yours sincerely,
    John Wilson.
    Chairman, Australian Common Law Party.
    Educating People to Defend their Rights.

  15. FW: Kaminski: The iceberg warning

    Jim MacLeod
    Jul 8 (5 days ago)

    to Expendable, R
    In the WA circus of circuses there is a parallel piece of the players seemingly central in the scenario depicted in the saga of the sinking of the Titanic –

    They (the referred to assortment of circus players) are demonstrating a huge degree of self-serving irresponsibility in unconscionable fashion at the expense of the greater society wellbeing. There has always been corruption but the world now reels in ways that have previously not been encountered overtly before – the reality whatever the individual decides that may be for him / her - wherein it seems in the illusion miasma delusion - of the now - is that the truth / lies paradigms are interchangeable – those who practice these kinds of deceptions and duplicities are part of the obstacle and cover-up of the current concerns. Thus the NOW becomes the NWO - and interestingly when one tries to write the anagram it has a strong reticence to stay in that configuration – it wants to revert back to NOW – what we need to switch on is not the LOSE but the WIN element thus WON if we really want to activate our highest most noblest aspirations in the face of the current formidable situation. Rigged ball game however doesn’t even come close to the parlous situation that genuine ordinary folks are finding themselves facing…. And how to get the action and outcome …. We hear about people power….

    There are folks that have a potential to understand and there are those who are in denial and absolutely refuse to understand – let alone resolve what needs to be resolved and thus imperil the entire world wellbeing – it would be easy enough to name those people and what they have set about doing.
    MEANWHILE in the immediate moment there also arrived this insight from the Queensland consortium of concerns – is there something of the ancient Molloch diabolical percolating here and what are its connections to the legal circus and thus to the Church and all that has been deluged? Which god is it that the punters are actually really worshiping in the belief that the real truth (not the prefabricated one) is insight – and if the world remains in such a predicament with so many millions nay billions of worshippers – then how is it that the paradigm has not shifted for the better? The love and the truth and compassion are being erased from the human condition – though there are still many great souls in the planet – and the love still resides – but needs to be enabled and empowered by you – in this world there are the givers and the takers. The takers are the deceivers the liars the cheats and the thieves – They oppress suppress repress depress digress -

    The tragedy is that The courts are corrupt – and it is very courts that cannot will not do real justice for the genuine applicants – there are many fraudulent applicants that meanwhile have come into usurp further the justice and self-servingly try to deny that they are part of the problem. The worst offenders are the very legal idiots who themselves deceive others and then try to make out that they are the victims and then they set out to seek compensation through the courts – the same courts that they believe to be corrupt – they have their hand out for compensation from!!!!! Meanwhile in classical cowards castle fashion they won’t dare to tackle the criminal cohorts that have in the legal mechanism - a control over their lives. They (lawyers) can be fined and if they refuse to abide by the rules (corrupt albeit) they can then suffer further penalty – and so the problem steadily compounds with tangle upon tangle and then these legal idiots find they have to reach outside the legal fraternity to seek help…. Well stagger me….!!!! Imagine a lawyer asking you to become a Mackenzie’s Friend at court – when the law is not your area of expertise…. He’d have to be pretty pathetic as a lawyer – or maybe just maybe there was some more hidden agenda taking place…. But that is digression…..

  16. And when they make such calls for help they come from within an assorted craft and bearing very dubious / deceptive packages suggesting one thing practicing another and masking the full truth because there is an original upset or duplicity they themselves are guilty of but cannot actually divest themselves of and so the tale that gets told is complex convoluted and cunning aimed at self-serving rather than truly healing for the greater wellbeing. There are a number of these that have come to light recently and they are variations on a similar theme and practice. Little wonder the ordinary decent folks have had a gutful while these arseholes in horse–haired-hats prance about seemingly beyond reach and dictating who can have justice and who shall be deprived. They need to be exposed – and those who are in the club one way or another are not part of the solution to that exposure – they are part of the enduring problem.

    In assorted areas there are legal cohorts that have conspired and control assorted levers over the mechanism – over the state politics (and the national politics) and individuals within / without its precincts so they (those individuals) are hostaged and corrupted to do the bidding of the ones that have the hidden control over the levers of the mechanism – thus preventing or directly manipulating justice. The truth has trouble emerging. Genuine Spiritual truth is a whole other ballgame – and that is something that you alone have to make your assessment of – but in law it was once mandated – to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth – and what is the world riddled with in this bleak phase of the Kali Yuga? An absence of truth – and a diminished trust – and evaporation of communication – people have been made fearful to speak out and others have reticence to respond. Well there is the zeitgeist of the times….. There are fees to be paid but somehow that is no longer part of the prevailing paradigm -
    Zeitgeist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Check out what is said about leaders of the times before you check out the link below – also I will send you an email attached above that I received the day after Kevin Rudd became Prime Minister – you probably had one also – I sent a reply regards the validation of the sincerity implied and mentioning that I had issues to discus – when could he make a time – and yep you guessed it not a further word was heard from his minder-handlers – I am aware that my local member is his hand maiden Janelle Saffin – not important other than she has dropped away from replying to genuine concerns – no great expectations – leaders - - hey it’s easy to look stunning if the funds are provided - blind Freddy could seem like father Christmas with plenty of cash to splash about. Then there are folks that do it tough below the poverty line and when they earn $1 dollar over the Youth Allowance or the Age Pension they get taxed a whopping 50 cents in the dollar till the allowance evaporates. But I’m digressing…..again….

    But below is a Justice who has apparently tried to get matters properly sifted and sorted and these matters go right to the very tip of the Iceberg – oh look here we are back at the beginning again……

    From: Pamela Valenti
    Sent: Monday, 8 July 2013 10:49 PM
    To: Alan Watt
    Subject: OZ: Judge Carmody's finding on cover-up

  17. The Art of Perverting Justice: See the Video:
