To Distrust the Judiciary means the beginning of the end of Society

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Dear David and Friends,
I dont disagree that what your grievances "may" be valid, (I dont have the time to peruse them, There are for the moment IRRELEVANT); "court of competent jurisdiction declares it invalid and illegal" that is the first thing you have to achieve !!! Its QUITE obvious and common sense !! once you find "court of competent jurisdiction", everything else falls in place.
SO assume the system is "valid" and attack the bad apple judges (you are dealing with humans, they are all abusing the system) and then use their own system against them IF what you say is "just".
Or You can still apply section 75 of the Constitution and use your own arguments; I keep saying, "put your money where your mouth is". Section 75 bypasses their BS regarding Leave to Appeal (plus you need to mention at the top of the doc that they are prepared for publication of the internet or the documents wont get published).
I cannot say it often enough, "court of competent jurisdiction" is the first step you have to achieve. Assume that it is, and challenge the integrity of the "human" components, ie the judges and lawyers.
There is enough in the legislations to change the system from "within"; they are NOT going to tear down their own system.
I dont disagree that what your grievances "may" be valid, (I dont have the time to peruse them, There are for the moment IRRELEVANT); "court of competent jurisdiction declares it invalid and illegal" that is the first thing you have to achieve !!! Its QUITE obvious and common sense !! once you find "court of competent jurisdiction", everything else falls in place.
SO assume the system is "valid" and attack the bad apple judges (you are dealing with humans, they are all abusing the system) and then use their own system against them IF what you say is "just".
Or You can still apply section 75 of the Constitution and use your own arguments; I keep saying, "put your money where your mouth is". Section 75 bypasses their BS regarding Leave to Appeal (plus you need to mention at the top of the doc that they are prepared for publication of the internet or the documents wont get published).
I cannot say it often enough, "court of competent jurisdiction" is the first step you have to achieve. Assume that it is, and challenge the integrity of the "human" components, ie the judges and lawyers.
There is enough in the legislations to change the system from "within"; they are NOT going to tear down their own system.
PS. the Peter Slipper case, the judge threw it out based on his interpretation of the plaintiffs' (political) motives, rather than the merits of the case. If I were the plaintiffs were would accuse the judge of discrimination right away. But the lawyers would be too scared for their jobs to attack the judges directly.
Robbie Thorpe and I will attack the Supreme Court, VCAT Presidents and members directly USING their own system. SO should everyone else, using the Charter for Human Rights and Responsibility Act. Once that's achieved, THEN and ONLY then can you point to other discrepencies in their system.
Otherwise you are just pissing into the wind; at least make sure piss doesnt land on you BUT on them.
If anyone wants the attachments, I can forward them, BUT i dont intend to read them, unless someone can simplify the arguments into 1 or 2 sentences.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David
Date: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 10:23 AM
To: chas x <>
TRIAL BY JURY: ITS HISTORY, TRUE PURPOSE AND MODERN RELEVANCE ISBN 9781902848723, with endorsements and edited section authored by U.S. lawyer Lysander Spooner;
THE REPORT, CANNABIS: THE FACTS, HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE LAW ISBN 9781902848204, co-authored by Joanna d'Oudney; Foreword by a Nobel laureate former Official Adviser to the U.S. government; endorsed by a Professor of Physiology Fellow of the Royal Society, academics, doctors (of a variety of disciplines) and judges (U.S. & U.K.);
softback, 260 large-size pages; also available as an e-book;
WE THE PEOPLE AND THE MATTER OF WORDS; freely downloadable, indispensable information for the creation and sustainment of legitimate government and society;
THE CONSTITUTION TREATISE: Why the d'Estaing ('European') Constitution-Treaty Is the Antithesis of Democracy ISBN 9781902848747, see website for endorsements by U.S. & U.K. cognoscenti;
From: David
Date: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 10:23 AM
To: chas x <>
Hi Charlie.
Thanks for this. Ken d’Oudney has done well and I have viewed his work about a year or two ago.
If you require certain stuff, please just ask, as I have got some stuff from Elijah’s challenge website of Brian, Basic Fraud website, CLRG website and other affiliates, plus my own research. Doc 50 is what Brian obtained from Vic Parliament. UK Coat of arms is from Austilli historical section. My letter from VEC. The proclamation which is rubbish of Henry Winneke states under the Queen of Australia. You will notice Vic Gov Gazette for Vic Const 1975 states under the Queen of Australia. Please view the Royal Styles Act 1973 and when you get into the discover democracy site, click onto the link and it will show you that Queen Liz has sighted the inferred act, but no signature on the last page and under the Schedule it will show “Queen of Australia”. Look at the 1953 Royal Styles act only sighted and in the Schedule look at the correct wording. Then have a look at Lyall Sempf’s letters about Royal Styles Act 1973 and Ian Henke’s letters and others that you can get from Basic Fraud website as well to which I have sent you.
See how you go Charlie.
From: chas x [ ]
Sent: Sunday, 30 December 2012 10:08 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: To Jim from Kenn d'Oudney, DEMOCRACY DEFINED.
Sent: Sunday, 30 December 2012 10:08 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: To Jim from Kenn d'Oudney, DEMOCRACY DEFINED.
Dear ALL,
Wishing all a happy start of the new year, there work to be done.
Magna Carta
Clauses still in force
The clauses of the 1297 Magna Carta still on statute are:
· Clause 1, the freedom of the English Church
· Clause 9 (clause 13 in the 1215 charter), the "ancient liberties" of the City of London
· Clause 29 (clause 39 in the 1215 charter), a right to due process
I would like to be part of what you people are doing but I keep asking for the legal arguments so I can copy and use, but I keep getting BS !!! Only one person was using their system to hurt them, but he proved to be flaky, and got to big for his own boots, and was having "entitlement" delusions.
Look at the clause 29 of the Magna Carta.....thats the only one we can use...its in the Human Righs and Equal Opportunity Commission Act, Discrimination Acts, Charter for Human Rights and Responsibility Act, the Judicial Review Act.
This process will have to go to the United Nations Human Rights bodies, and I pissed them off a bit, but make no mistake they are not on your or my side either.
But to make a change in people, you have to convince them there needs to be a change: people hate changes.
But dont cite some ancient Roman terms, like maximus, and minimus, they give you NO cause for legal action: there is plenty of clause in the aforementioned acts to diminish the legal standing of judiciary, otherwise there is no need for a jury.
G Luck and cheers....
Remember "to Distrust the Judiciary means the beginning of the end of society" Honore de balzac.....The Mayans were right, keep repeating that and get everyone to repeat it..Put it LARGE on your front page. Only need one judge to fall and its a domino effect, Kirby has started it, he's the fool that called the Emperor has No Clothes....Us other fools just need to repeat and keep repeating.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David
Date: Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:46 PM
Subject: RE: Our new list of presiding lawyers in Victoria
To: chas x <>
From: David
Date: Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:46 PM
Subject: RE: Our new list of presiding lawyers in Victoria
To: chas x <>
Yes you are correct Charlie, but I like to know when these crims commenced and who is behind the charade as when charges come and I hope you will be apart of it, they cannot run as no appointment is valid under the 1975 Vic Const created just like Henry Winneke the Governor all under the Queen of Australia which is a Fraud. Once a court of competent jurisdiction declares it invalid and illegal, then further charges will be laid.
Kind regards and all the best for 2013
From: chas x [ ]
Sent: Saturday, 29 December 2012 6:38 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Our new list of presiding lawyers in Victoria
Sent: Saturday, 29 December 2012 6:38 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Our new list of presiding lawyers in Victoria
You can expect anyone of them to screw you over to further their careers.
They are there to protect their mates, in particular, even if they screw their own system.
So any time you can use their system to belittle them in the public eye, the more you weaken them.
Kirby already called the "emperor has no clothes", all we to do is make the sledge bigger.
You can expect anyone of them to screw you over to further their careers.
They are there to protect their mates, in particular, even if they screw their own system.
So any time you can use their system to belittle them in the public eye, the more you weaken them.
Kirby already called the "emperor has no clothes", all we to do is make the sledge bigger.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:19 AM
Subject: To Jim from Kenn d'Oudney, DEMOCRACY DEFINED.
From: <
Date: Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:19 AM
Subject: To Jim from Kenn d'Oudney, DEMOCRACY DEFINED.
The Home Page of The Democracy Defined Campaign
The Home Page of The Democracy Defined Campaign
Media and General Enquiries:
Kenn d’Oudney, Mrs. Joanna d’Oudney & Astra d’Oudney. CEO/Directors.
(Standard English Spelling)
ACTIVIST MEMBERS from all walks of life in
is spread worldwide by its Members.
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
is spread worldwide by its Members.
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
Dear Jim,
Since you ask, I concur with Dr. John Wilson, Chair of the ACLP, when he says of Assange that, "it's sure he will NEVER REMOTELY BE FREE unless the LAW OF THE LAND is brought to bear ... where a JURY judges the facts and the law and administers JUSTICE by exercising their individual and collective consciences;"
and that
Sovereignty, Equal Justice and Liberty reside with and depend upon the Powers, Procedures, Rights and Duties of the Juror in the Constitutional Trial by Jury Justice System. This latter is indispensable to civilsation. The People's Trial by Jury Courts are usurped (illegally) by governments and the collusion of the members of the Law Society.
However, John Wilson undermines his own position by misquoting Magna Carta. It should read:
No freeman or free person shall be arrested or imprisoned or deprived of his freehold or his liberties or free customs, or be outlawed or exiled, or in any manner harmed (destroyed), nor will we (the king/ the government) proceed against him nor send anyone against him (by force or arms), unless according to (that is, in execution of) the legal judgement of his peers, and (or or, as the case may require) the Common Law of the land (of England, as it was at the time of Magna Carta in 1215).
See the attached Essay for Latin translation information, and more...
Also see Hallam’s Middle Ages; Hume’s History of England; & see the legal, historical and constitutional works of Hale, Gilbert, Millar, Crabbe, Stewart, and Blackstone.
See Latin Dictionary, Examples, etc., Charlton T. Lewis, Oxford University Press.
Your activism is to be applauded, but I should have thought that our position regarding the modus operandi of government and the Illegality of the Status Quo, and therefore its relation to JW's letter to Assange, has been made plain by all the Democracy Defined RESTORATION Campaign Circulars which you have received.
Yours sincerely,
Kenn d'Oudney.
Kenn d'Oudney.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim MacLeod
To: Kenn d'Oudney
Cc: John Wilson ; Nicholas Chin ; Donna Chapman ; ROGER
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:48 AM
"Better never to vote at all than vote for a person who does not make EQUALJUSTICE the prime aim of government by RESTORATION and UNIVERSALADOPTION of Constitutional Legem Terræ Common Law Trial by Jury."
Kenn d'Oudney is the author of books and essays including the following:
Kenn d'Oudney est auteur de livres et essais y compris les suivants:
Kenn d'Oudney ist Autor von Büchern und Essays einschließlich der folgenden:
Kenn d'Oudney ist Autor von Büchern und Essays einschließlich der folgenden:
Essay: read it and see for yourself how the Constitution's Justice System is supposed to work to protect rights, liberty, property ownership and use, and achieve equal justice for all and discover... THE ILLEGALITY OF THE STATUS QUO.
Essay: read it and see for yourself how the Constitution's Justice System is supposed to work to protect rights, liberty, property ownership and use, and achieve equal justice for all and discover... THE ILLEGALITY OF THE STATUS QUO.
"Hi Kenn:
What a magnificent article! I intend to incorporate parts of it into my speeches and writings.
Yours in freedom and justice"
Professor Julian Heicklen,
Jury Rights’ Activist;
Coordinator, Tyranny Fighters; U.S.
What a magnificent article! I intend to incorporate parts of it into my speeches and writings.
Yours in freedom and justice"
Professor Julian Heicklen,
Jury Rights’ Activist;
Coordinator, Tyranny Fighters; U.S.
"Kenn d'Oudney is a brilliant writer and researcher when it comes to Democracy and Trial by Jury. The best source of common law is Kenn d'Oudney."
Dr. John Wilson,
Jury Rights’ Activist;
co-Founder & Chairman, Australian Common Law Party.
co-Founder & Chairman, Australian Common Law Party.
"Superb. Should be read in every law school."
John Walsh, Barrister-at-Law,
Author; Constitutional lawyer (U.S. & Australia).
John Walsh, Barrister-at-Law,
Author; Constitutional lawyer (U.S. & Australia).
freely downloadable information about pan-European legem terræ common law, the Law of the Land, whose central tenet and sole justice system is the all-powerful People's Trial by Jury Courts, defining the true European and pan-Occidental Constitution.
"Thank you for your excellent work on Magna Carta. What a masterly exposition."
JOHN GOURIET, Chairman, Defenders of the Realm; Battle for Britain Campaign supported by The Duke of Wellington; Edward Fox, OBE, and Frederick Forsyth, CBE.
JOHN GOURIET, Chairman, Defenders of the Realm; Battle for Britain Campaign supported by The Duke of Wellington; Edward Fox, OBE, and Frederick Forsyth, CBE.
"Kenn, Your rebuttal is masterly. Your essay is a very good read."
ROBIN TILBROOK, Chairman & Party Leader; English Democrat Party.
ROBIN TILBROOK, Chairman & Party Leader; English Democrat Party.
"Thank you so much for this contribution. It is very much appreciated."
ASHLEY MOTE, MEP (Member of the European Parliament); Vice-President, Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe.
ASHLEY MOTE, MEP (Member of the European Parliament); Vice-President, Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe.
"Thanks, Kenn. I've circulated this."
SIMON RICHARDS, Campaign Director; The Freedom Association; Founded by John Gouriet; the Viscount de L’Isle, VC, KG, PC; Ross McWhirter and Norris McWhirter, CBE.
softback, 260 large-size pages; also available as an e-book;
“You have done a splendid job of producing a comprehensive summary of the evidence documenting that the prohibition of the production, sale and use of cannabis is utterly unjustified and produces many harmful effects. Any impartial person reading your REPORT will almost certainly end up favouring the re-legalisation of cannabis.”NOBEL LAUREATE PROFESSOR MILTON FRIEDMAN, former Economics’ Adviser to U.S. government; Author, video and TV series writer and presenter; Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace; Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago.
“You represent a worthy part of the fight in many countries for the logical and beneficial use of cannabis. I thank you for that.”PROFESSOR PATRICK D. WALL, M.D., Author; Professor of Physiology, UMDS St. Thomas's (Teaching) Hospital, London; Fellow of the Royal Society; DM, FRCP.
“I did enjoy reading it. THE REPORT should contribute much.”THE HON. JONATHON PORRITT, Bt., former Adviser to U.K. government on Environment; Author; Founder, Friends of the Earth; TV series writer and presenter.
SRC Publishing Ltd., London, available here from world distribution by LULU of North Carolina.
Available as textbook* and also as an e-book.
Available as textbook* and also as an e-book.
THE REPORT ISBN 9781902848204: Part (chapter) Two contains the unprecedented (new) Cannabis Biomass Energy Equation (CBEE; Modern Uses) which proves the clean-combusting production-cost-free, i.e., FREE, cannabisby-product pyrolytic CH3OH is the immediate non-polluting, renewable, total world replacement for fossils and uranium, whilst cultivation simultaneously significantly increases world production of staple seed food (protein-rich; no relaxant in seed). The CBEE exposes the bankowner-corporate-government monumental ulterior motive behind fraudulent prohibition. 'Prohibition' is a venal, cartel-fabricated subterfuge; a false fuel-energy MONOPOLY.
The CBEE Formulation proffers CH3OH oil-gasoline-type fuel combustion for all power-station, industrial, land, sea and air transportation and domestic energy supply, with ZERO net atmospheric increase of CO2. Viz. the CBEE thereby simultaneously demonstrates governments’ mendacity in their claims to wish to reduce carbon emissions, and proves the “eco” and “carbon taxes” to be fraudulent: a criminal government imposture completely without foundation. Themisuse of exorbitant, world-economy-depressing fossils and uranium as ‘fuel’ is potentially catastrophic, legally and economically unjustifiable, and requires to be prohibited forthwith.
See pyrolysis diagrams, photo, equation, etc.
"To cause crime to occur is to be accountable for the crime, morally and legally. To consent to any measure is to share responsibility for its results."
Legalised, cannabis grows anywhere: the benign herb's foliage and flowers come free or at an insignificant price, but yielding no revenues to government and no profits to corporations. However, prohibition creates the Black Market: the Economic Effects of Prohibition (scarcity + enforcement, etc.) augment "street" value by 3000% plus, making all Black Market associated crime inevitable. The political commodities' prohibition, the War on Drugs, rather that is to say, the politicians who pass and the judiciaries who maintain the legislation engender (cause) and are culpable for not less than 75 - 80 percent of all crimes (official statistics) throughout the West.
"To cause crime to occur is to be accountable for the crime, morally and legally. To consent to any measure is to share responsibility for its results."
Legalised, cannabis grows anywhere: the benign herb's foliage and flowers come free or at an insignificant price, but yielding no revenues to government and no profits to corporations. However, prohibition creates the Black Market: the Economic Effects of Prohibition (scarcity + enforcement, etc.) augment "street" value by 3000% plus, making all Black Market associated crime inevitable. The political commodities' prohibition, the War on Drugs, rather that is to say, the politicians who pass and the judiciaries who maintain the legislation engender (cause) and are culpable for not less than 75 - 80 percent of all crimes (official statistics) throughout the West.
EXONERATIVE FINDINGS OF FACT; Official Empirical Research; THE REPORT collates the medico-scientific Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the government-funded clinical studies conducted by world-respected research and academic institutions into non-toxic, non-addictive natural herb cannabis (differentiated from pharmaceuticallaboratory toxic product THC). The investigations' empirical evidence exonerates cannabis from all allegations of 'harm' and 'impairment' (including tests on simulated driving) exempting cannabis from all legislative criteria of control ('prohibition'). All citizens persecuted thereunder are due Amnesty and Restitution (as for other Wrongful Penalisation).
MEDICATION: Efficacious in over 100 adverse medical conditions (viz. Official Pharmacopoeias) including applications which are life-saving, preserve eyesight, Curative and/or Preventive, and with potential cheaply to replacenumerous lines of lucrative but ineffective, debilitating, addictive, toxic pharmaceuticals, rendering massive financial government-corporate ulterior revenue and profit motive (trillions) behind apocryphal prohibition by perjurious derogation. + Medical Case Histories.
Six Parts (chapters) include expert documentary, legal, academic, scientific, technical, medical, economic, social, criminological, philosophical evidence, and that which is based on grounds of equity, vindicating all private cultivation, trade, possession and use, and which further exposes perjury and venality behind prohibition 'legislation', all acts of enforcement constituting crime per se.
Part Seven, RESTORATION: JUSTICE AND THE CONSTITUTION, exposes corruption, ineptitude and injustice in the justice process; examines Law: natural law, supreme secular legem terræ Constitutional common law, treaties, statutes; quotes presidents, judges, lawyers and chief justices.
THE REPORT is regularly presented pre-trial by defendants to courts (judges) who routinely forbid all Findings of Fact, evidence and defences which "dispute the legality of the law" before the jury. The official and expert evidence in THE REPORT establishes the apocryphal, illegal nature of the legislation. THE REPORT quotes legal grounds (national and international) which demonstrate numerous infractions of laws by the prohibition legislation, and which show all acts of its enforcement to be crime per se. All citizens persecuted thereunder are due Amnesty and Restitution (as for other Wrongful Penalisation). This textbook demonstrates in the law: injustice, inequity, invalidity, adverse effects, venal ulterior motive, perjury, fallacious derogation, and the inherent illegality of law which creates the Black Market and engenders all associated crime.
The outcomes of this procedure of presenting THE REPORT as documentary evidence to the judge have proved beneficial in the extreme for defendants. *Courts require documentary evidence presented as the published textbook (not copies or e-book.)
"The d’Oudney analysis is as insightful as it is comprehensive. It will stand for years to come as the definitive critique of the European Constitution prepared by Giscard d’Estaing and others. I look forward to sharing the d’Oudney analysis with my colleagues."
HOWARD PHILLIPS, Founder, U.S. Constitution Party; three-time presidential nominee; Chairman, Conservative Caucus.
HOWARD PHILLIPS, Founder, U.S. Constitution Party; three-time presidential nominee; Chairman, Conservative Caucus.
SRC Publishing Ltd., London.
DEMOCRACY DEFINED: ON THE ETYMOLOGY, HISTORY AND SIGNIFICATION OF THE WORD DEMOCRACY; the Sciences of Etymology, Semantics, Semasiology, and Philology determine whether your country is a definitive democracy or your government is a despotism. Viz. The word ‘democracy’ is widely abused and ‘defined’ incorrectly: Democracy is a state of society realised neither by referenda (mass voting for new laws), nor by suffrage (electoral voting for representatives), nor by representatives’ majorities’ legislatorial voting. Electoral voting, majority rule and ‘consensus politics’ neither create nor define democracy. This essay defines and summarises the unique signification and inestimable value to the human race of genuine Constitutional Democracy.
9-11 TRUTH LINKS COMPENDIUM; exposition with select video analysis & lectures; contributions by professors, architects, scientists, Federal Aviation Authority experts, former CIA, FBI, military and government officials, firemen, reporters and other eye-witnesses present; freely download this Compendium which serves as an introduction to the subject, and as a source of additional references for those already familiar with the 9/11 Truth Movement;
THE VALUE OR OTHERWISE OF LAW DICTIONARIES; part of the contents of a forthcoming book to be published by SRC Publishing. It is nevertheless, for the time being anyway, downloadable for free;
ON REFERENDA AND MAJORITY RULE; part of the contents of a forthcoming book downloadable for free;
RADIOACTIVITY FROM CROPS FED WITH PHOSPHATE ‘FERTILISER’ IS THE PRINCIPALCAUSE OF CANCER; some Findings of Fact downloadable for free, extracted from THE REPORT ISBN 9781902848204 (referred to above);
CHIEF JUSTICE VAUGHAN'S RULING; on perhaps the most famous trial in history; Juror's Rights and Duty and photo of the Old Bailey Commemorative Plaque;
WHY THE LEGAL PROFESSION CANNOT DEFEND YOU; consider some of the judicable breaches of common law and Constitution to which modern government resorts in order to enforce its inequitable, illegal, and money-motivated statutes;
Further reading on the website:
The Home Page of The not-for-profit Educational Campaign for RESTORATION and
The Home Page of The not-for-profit Educational Campaign for RESTORATION and
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges ( U.S . & U.K.).
Join the Campaign ! Download and distribute free posters and educational pamphlets.
Join the Campaign ! Download and distribute free posters and educational pamphlets.
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