
8:23 AM (15 minutes ago)
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Hello again Kenn….. in your previous you wrote:
Legem terræ, also known as the Law of the Land, prescribes and defines the Common Law governing the Trial by Jury as inscribed into the 1215 Great Charter Constitution. The smallest incursion upon or infraction of common law by government, legal profession and those acting in the name of government, is a judicable* act.
*Definition. judicable, that which may be tried by jury in a court of law.
This it seems to me goes to the very nub of what is that I am trying to say to you. The damage has been done and so done as to be apparently irreversible despite the inscribed thought…. And a bit further down this page I give a glimpse from a conversation going on right now with a FORMER lawyer in WA who is being batter by other lawyers and the so-called legal system….
According to the Constitution, legitimate authority of Sovereign Power to judge, make, decide and enforce or annul the law never leaves the adult populace. Every man and women without exception is subject to the Common Law of the Land; the nominal head of state, 'sovereign', monarch, president, etc., notwithstanding*.
*Viz. Articles 24, 39, 40, & 61.
*Viz. Articles 24, 39, 40, & 61.
Definition. Sovereignty, pre-eminence; the supreme and independent power expressed through the making and enforcing of the laws.
The 'royal person' is verily "sovereign" only in name.
Under the authority of the People's Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury Courts, the government (executive, legislature and judiciary), and the "bankers" are governed by the Will of the People expressed through the decisions of Juries.
So Kenn
If the constitution has been seriously warped here in Australia once upon a time Westminster (original) now Westminster (tampered) – previously Magna Carta (Original) now Magna Carta (reoriented)
If the Judiciary and the parliaments have been seriously compromised
If the 'royal person' is verily "sovereign" only in name.
and there are countless matters such as the fragment of one that can be located on Just groundspertaining to Nicholas N Chin I send this moment from his Skype message to me as I write my postscript to you re my previous thoughts about the “free man” here below is a fragment from Nicholas Chin thoughts – the rest can be found on his Just Grounds Page
Thanks for your time and interest in matters of Justice for all especially Trial By Jury – a Jury of one’s peers…. In this case it seems Nicholas seeks brother lawyers to assist his quest
Look at the Chronology from paragraphs 91 to 95:
1) They describe the improper motives of the Special Committee to re-impose the supervisory conditions on me without any prior findings of professional misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct (the Improper Act of Special Committee).
2) That Improper Act of the Special Committee did not have the valid authority of the Full Board of 48 Members under s.11 of the LPA2003 Act.
3) This is not the first time certain members of the constitute themselves into a Full Board of four members as required by the law to do improper things for their own private interests.
4) Look at paragraph 52 of the Chronology. That paragraph describes the first time a group of four members of the Board also did not get the proper delegated authority under s.11 of the LPA 2003 Act to do the improper thing which the 48 members of the Legal Practice Board of WA would not want to do. Again it was my barrister (T) who pointed this discrepancy out (First Time without Valid Authority).
5) The question is: Why did the Pseudo Board of the regulator went on an excursion of their own to do the private thing presumably instigated by (P) and maybe there is some more un-revealed things that are so great that it is worth to go all the troubles and to risk their own careers just to get me out? There must be something more than just (P) matters that is related to (C) that is at stake? WHY DID THEY FAILED TO HAVE THE DELEGATED AUTHORITY WHICH THEY KNOW THEY MUST HAVE AFTER THE FIRST BAD EXPERIENCE? THE NEED TO DO THIS MUST BE VERY BAD.
[10:15:52 AM] Nicholas N Chin: ITS ALREADY IN JUST GROUNDS J
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