Subject: To Martin from Kenn d'Oudney, DEMOCRACY DEFINED.
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 15:57:49 +0200
The Home Page of The Democracy Defined Campaign
The Home Page of The Democracy Defined Campaign
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Kenn d’Oudney, Mrs. Joanna d’Oudney & Astra d’Oudney. CEO/Directors.
(Standard English Spelling)
ACTIVIST MEMBERS from all walks of life in
is spread worldwide by its Members.
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
is spread worldwide by its Members.
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
Dear Martin,
Here is some information regarding democracy for your interest, including (copyright) material from DEMOCRACY DEFINED ISBN 9781902848228.
“The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government, whether Nazi or Communist.”Sir Winston Churchill, Author, Chronicler, Historian, Philosopher, Nobel laureate for Literature;
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Excerpt of telegram from Cairo to the U.K. Home Secretary on November the 21st, 1943. Emphases added.
Constitutional Trial by Jury (also known as "the judgement of peers," i.e., social equals) remains the only (peaceful) proven means known to humankind for responsibly holding government in perpetuity to the Will of the People. Ref. the mechanisms of the Trial by Jury in the Constitutional Common Law Articles; the private citizens' cost-free Trial by Juryprosecutions (single or multiple plaintiffs) of individual and departmental malefactors in government; and, Annulment-by-Jury (also somewhat ineptly known as 'Jury Nullification') in regard to the enforced Expunction of Legislation.
Trial by Jury Was Constitutionally Emplac ed for the Purposes of:
A.) not only ascertaining guilt or innocence of the accused and where necessary for apportioning retribution, but also
B.) of transcendent importance, as a barrier to protect the vast mass of innocent citizenry from the crimes of arbitrary government, i.e., unjust laws, tyranny; and from the corruption, prejudices and incompetence of fallible justices (judges). Trial by Jury enables the people to judge authoritatively for themselves what their liberties and laws are (as explained hereinafter), so that the people retain all the liberties which they wish to enjoy.
Wherever Trial by Jury takes place, be it in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and numerous other countries, it is DEFINITIVE of Trial by Jury that, after swearing to convict the guilty and acquit the innocent, in finding their Verdict,
The Jurors Judge:
~on the justice of the law, and annul, by pronouncing the Not Guilty Verdict, any law or act of enforcement which is deemed unfair or unjust according to the juror’s conscience (i.e., sense of right and wrong);
~in addition to the facts, and ~on the admissibility of evidence (evidence not being pre-selected or screened-out by government or judge and/or prosecutor).
Jurors Must Judg e:
~that the accused acted with malice aforethought, i.e., mens rea, a premeditated malicious motive to find guilt (‘guilt’ is a characteristic inherent or absent in motives and actions: it cannot be ascribed by legislation*);
~on the nature and gravity of the alleged offence; and where guilt is unanimously found, ~on mitigating circumstances if any (provocation; temptation; incitation); and ~set the sentence (with regard to its being fit and just).
*There is neither moral justice for punishing nor political necessity (i.e., deterrent value) where there was no mens rea. (In the case of one person injuring another innocently or accidentally, the civil law suit and the Trial by Jury award appropriate compensation for damag es.)
For jurors not to do the above, or for someone other than the jurors to make any such decisions, is another process: call it "trial-by-someone-else" if you will, or "trial-by-the-judge with a false ‘jury’ watching"―but this travesty cannot be defined as a Trial BY JURY.
"There is only one Trial by Jury. It is mere falsehood to call a procedure "trial by jury" if the accused and any of the matters related to the case under judgement are tried by someone other than the Jury. There is no process and no meaning to the words Trial by Jury other than that which the words themselves prescribe."See DEMOCRACY DEFINED ISBN 9781902848228, by Kenn d’Oudney.
Anyone acquainted with the process of law in the United States, Britain, Australia and elsewhere today, will see how far removed the practices of courts are from the ideals and legally binding stipulations of those nations’ Constitutions. Today, every single one of the above requirements definitive of Trial by Jury (including judging on the facts of the case) is illegally forbidden, interfered with and/or obstructed by the ‘judges’.
Labyrinthine deceits of modern usurpation inhabit the politicians’ statute book, which bears no resemblance and pays no respect to universal common laws of truth, justice, liberty, and equality before the law.
Common law is in serted into the Constitution to protect the people from government abuse of power. Common law legally binds the individual men and women in government thereby controlling the government’s modus operandi. No one is ‘above’ legem terræ, the Law of the Land. There is no judicial or political ‘immunity’ for criminal infractions of common law; and likewise never for denial of the cost-free Trial by Jury Justice System to the private plaintiff or defendant.
As distinct from despotism and barbarism, common law Trial by Jury is the definitive basis of civilisation, democracy and legitimate government, sine qua non. Reinstating full legality to the status quo by RESTORATION of the supremacy of universal secular Constitutional Common Law is the principal duty of all adults.
On the Meaning of the Word
Genuine lexicography is dictated by the Sciences of Etymology, Semantics, Semasiology, and Philology. These determine whether a country is a definitive democracy or one’s government is a despotism.
It was in the modern historical era, since the development of these sciences and the spread of literacy, that the signification of words became generally set. Above all, we have the incomparable Eighteenth Century work of Dr. Samuel Johnson to thank fo r that. As a result, the great historical and philosophical opuses of the likes of Gibbon, Palgrave, Millar, Gilbert, Hallam, Spooner, Jefferson and Macaulay remain as immediately comprehensible as the writings of our contemporaries. That is to say, modern writers’ efforts are intelligible only if the contemporary scribe first learns and then respects the etymology of vocabulary.
For example, Suffrage does not define nor does it produce democracy, for electoral voting takes place in totalitarian, fascist, communist, and National Socialist (NAZI), i.e., anti-democratic, states. Having been elected, there is nothing to stop government from imposing control of an upper house, reneging on pledges, nor from adopting any tyrannical measures it chooses.
Viz. The word ‘democracy’ is widely abused and ‘defined’ incorrectly: Democracy is a state of society realised neither by referenda (mass voting for new laws), nor by suffrage (electoral voting for representatives), nor by the representatives’ majorities’ legislatorial voting. Electoral voting, majority rule and ‘consensus politics’ neither create nor define democracy.
To preclude arbitrary (i.e., tyrannical; illegal) government and establish liberty and equal justice for all, the Hellenes created the society in which the common people have the power in Trial by Jury to judge the laws and overrule laws and measures enacted by the national assembly. The word the Hellenes gave to describe this state of society in which the citizens have control through the Trial by Jury to judge, make and enforce the laws and overrule the government, the wealthy and powerful, the aristocrats and all the people who sought to rule them, was demokratia, which translates into English as Democracy.
Democracy is founded on the Trial by Jury, derived from the Hellenic Athenian Constitution of government by Trial by Jury. Through its etymology, history and signification, the word democracy designates the constitutional justice system. Modern Constitutional Democracy is based on the sovereignty* of the individual citizen-juror as the final arbiter of law and protection of the people from tyranny.
*Definition. Sovereignty, pre-eminence; the supreme and inde pendent power expressed through the making and enforcing of the laws.
The Hellenic Athenian Constitution of government by Trial by Jury was a conspicuous achievement in human history for constitutionally establishing this unique mode of justice. The aristocrat Cleisthenes it is who must be credited with the creation of mankind’s first democracy in 508/7 B.C.E. (although ‘infant’ in form, as it did not yet give equality to women and permitted slavery). He brought acknowledgement to the need to spread empowerment throughout society to promote equal justice, liberty, peace and prosperity, and devolved power all the way down to the poorest (male) citizens, the thetes, by recognising rights, exousia.
Exousia rights included the right to attend, debate and vote in the national assembly on laws and measures (referenda); the right of the accused to a Trial by Jury; and, crucially, the empowerment of citizens by bestowing on them judicial authority as Jurors in Trial by Jury in which laws and measures passed by legislatorial majorities in the assembly could be judged, overruled and annulled* whenever this was deemed by the Jurors necessary to serve justice, liberty, and the interests of the people.*See Works, vol. 2; by co-author of the U.S. Constitution, Justice James Wilson.
Democracy created the illustrious Athens which successfully resisted the Persian invasions of 490 and 480/79 at the battles of Marathon and Salamis; that built the Parthenon; set enduring standards in art and architecture; developed sci ences including those of medicine, mathematics and astronomy; that proffered a stage to Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes; and laid the foundations of Western rational and critical thought.
Hellenic Greece of the Constitution of government by Trial by Jury received from the Athenians the defining epithet, Democracy.
The historical facts about Democracy in Hellenic Greece and everywhere else are that it was a virile system and devotedly supported by the mass of just, civilised, peace and freedom-loving people. Democratic free Athens eventually only succumbed because of the mighty invasion of the Macedonian, Alexander the Great (conqueror), who emplaced his generals as autocrats to rule by might over right, with force against democracy’s egalitarian system of equal justice and civic libe rty. Otherwise, the Hellenic Culture would almost certainly have evolved into the development of equal rights for women, emancipated the slaves and outlawed slavery 2,000 years ago. Alexander’s far-flung martial exploits set back the socio-political development of mankind.
Naturally, people have the moral responsibility, the right and the duty to resist and suppress injustice wherever it occurs, and by whomsoever it is perpetrated, governments notwithstanding. By definition and in practice, Democracy and Justice require that the People at all times retain the Supreme Power to annul injustices and the bad laws made by fallible politicians.
This Power backed by the full apparatus of police, prison service and Armed Services, is uniquely embodied in the Citize n-Juror’s Duty in Trial by Jury: to judge the justice of every act of law enforcement, and to render the Not Guilty Verdict whenever conviction or punishment of the accused would be unfair, according to the juror’s conscience.
Trial by Jury is the central tenet and sole justice system of the People’s legem terræ* common law. In legem terræ common law (constitutionally inscribed as the Common Law Articles of Magna Carta in 1215), it is the jurors’ duty in the Trial by Jury Justice System to judge the justice of the law and every act of enforcement and acquit any persons accused under an arbitrary, unjust or apocryphal statute, regulation or prosecution.
* terræ is pronounced terry, the ‘æ’ as in Cæsar, seize.
Common law governs government by the fact that all men and women are equally subject to the common law. No one is ‘above’ the Law of the Land. There is no immunity from the Jury’s Verdict, judges, legislators and head of state notwithstanding (ref. Articles 24, 39, 40, & 61). The decisions of Juries judge and rule over statutes and regulations made by national or local governments, and the decisions of judges.
Consider Harlan F. Stone, U.S. Chief Justice 1941-1946, on the Juror’s Duty in the authentic Trial by Jury, as follows:
"If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal offence is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant’s natural God-given unalienable or Constitutional rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the violation of it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law."
"That juror must vote Not Guilty regardless of the pressures or abuses that may be heaped on him by any or all members of the jury with whom he may in good conscience disagree. He is voting on the justice of the law according to his own conscience a nd convictions and not someone else’s. The law itself is on trial quite as much as the case which is to be decided."U.S. Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone; Harvard Law Review.
(Emphases added.)
(linguistic derivation)
Hellenic Greek, Demokratia, Democracy.
demos, the people; kratos, sovereignty*, power; kratein, to rule.
*Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University. See Democracy Defined Essay EIS#10, "We the People and the Matter of Words," downloadable for free from the Democracy Defined Campaign Material webpage.
Chambers Dictionary, etymology, demos, the people; kratein, to rule; MSN Encarta. Democracy, demos, the people; kratein, to rule; etc.
From the etymology comes the definition: Democracy, the form of government in which the Sovereign Supreme Power is vested in the Common People; the emancipation and ethos of society produced by the power of Juries of ordinary citizens in Trial by Jury, to vet, make, decide and enforce the law; the people rule.
In order to understand the meaning of the word, it is essential to know first that democracy embodies the people’s responsible control over government and law through the Trial by Jury. The people control the government, not the other way around. The people rule. This is democracy.
Democracy, which establishes responsible freedom of the people, always has enemies amongst power-hungry oligarchs, would-be tyrants and their abject servitors (from Socrates and Plato to banker Hamilton, religious fundamentalist Ames, et al); and there are others whose misuse of the word demonstrates that they simply did not (and today do not) know its meaning. Generations have been confused and deluded by the premeditated or unwitting incorrectness of Madison, Fisher Ames, Webster, Franklin, Hamilton et al.
Despots and their paid servitors do not want people to learn the real meaning of democracy ― for fear they might reclaim it for the people of the world. To this day, plutocrats and those who sow disinformation for them remain the foes of democracy ― because democracy emasculates tyrants and emancipates the population.
Note that law ‘dictionaries’ express perverted meanings intentionally imposed by politically-motivated legislation. They can 'change' the 'meaning' overnight to promote the private self-interest and ambitions of our oligarchical rulers, and conceal the truths of history and the sciences of etymology, philology, and semantics. The disinformation which they and other modern ‘law’ books illegitimately and mendaciously impart exemplifies NWO political propaganda which c ontrols the mind of the credulous simpleton.See Essay EIS#21, "THE VALUE OR OTHERWISE OF LAW DICTIONARIES," freely downloadable from the Democracy Defined Campaign Material webpage.
The behind-the-scenes money masters, autocratic ‘rulers’ of the West, have now all but ‘ruled out’ Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury, Habeas Corpus, and freedom from arbitrary arrest (i.e., without probable cause), thereby precipitating nations into definition as tyrannies as opposed to democracies. The Founders of the U.S. and the authors and instigators of Magna Carta who risked all to gain freedom and installed Trial by Jury as a barrier to protect the people from common and government crimes, would have the greatest disdain for this generation for allowing these malignant events to com e to pass.
For pay, authors of the statist bias and unconscionable lexicographers and journalists collaborate to write lies and equivocation for their employers’ interests which are completely at odds with those of the people at large. They shred the truth, and with abuse of words attempt to appear cynical and clever. With deliberate distortions of our language, they mock ordinary people, and spread disunity and uncertainty at a time when we all require to be sure in our beliefs.
The ongoing demolition by enemies-within of the democracies of the West is hardly surprising though, for as long as Westerners allow themselves to be miseducated as to the meaning of such important words as democracy and republic; and they are so completely flummoxed by the disinforma tion promulgated by the servitors of the wealthy oligarchs that it leads them even to disparage democracy ! Yet, democracy with its definitive attribute of Trial by Jury, is the singular proven means of their secular salvation by which equal justice and the lives, rights, liberty, and property of ALL the people are peacefully secured.
As Founders of the Democratic-Republican Party, Madison or Jefferson would hardly be likely to call democracy ‘vile’ or ‘mob rule’, as claimed on websites ! Nowhere in Madison’s copious writings does the word ‘vile’ even appear.
Wake up, People! The obvious example of the dupe or a servitor of tyrants is the person who maligns democracy as "two wolves, and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner." These are = facile fictions, libels and calumnies adopted or made up by the likes of Henry Louis Mencken, Rose Wilder Lane and Devvy Kidd to delude people and lead them astray...
It is not credible (unless they are being deliberately untruthful), that people who talk of the wolves and sheep could have researched the history, etymology and signification of the word democracy: demos-kratein, demokratia: the people rule through Trial by Jury.
"If a juror or any citizen accepts as the law that which the judge states, then that juror or citizen has accepted the exercise of absolute authority of a government employee and has surrendered a power and right that was once the citizen’s safeguard of liberty."Statement attributed by Bancroft in History of the U.S. Constitution, to Judge Theophilus Parsons at the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention.
"The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while there was time."Ibid.
Complacent, insouciant, ignorant, servile populations of Westerners, e.g. Americans, British, Germans, French, Italians, Spanish and other Europeans, New Zealanders, Canadians and Australians, have allowed antidemocratic politicians to strip them of the ir legal protections which are universal, inherent and inalienable: the Juror’s Rights and Duty and the Trial by Jury Justice System. People have permitted institutionalisation of despotic attitudes. Oppression has taken root and become widespread even in the former great bastions of democracy.
Trial-by-judge is the system which denies the common law Trial by Jury. Trial-by-judge or government employee is the National Socialist (NAZI), Stalinist, Soviet, fascist and communist system of judicial oppression, by which primitive tyranny thrives; massive injustices are routinely enforced on innocent people; and citizens are intentionally put into permanent fear and servitude.
Apropos of the 'authorities' quoted on the Party System webpages (and encountered elsewhere), their familiar premeditated obscuration of the purpose and modern relevance of the authentic Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury is complete. In particular, the mendacity of Spengler and lawyer Quintin Hogg (Lord Hailsham) is breathtaking.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. So, you play the squeezebox? Sounds like fun!
"Better never to vote at all than vote for a person who does not make EQUAL JUSTICE the prime aim of government by RESTORATION and UNIVERSAL ADOPTION of Constitutional Legem Terræ Common Law Trial by Jury."
Kenn d'Oudney is the author of books and essays including the following:
Kenn d'Oudney est auteur de livres et essais y compris les suivants:
Kenn d'Oudney ist Autor von Büchern und Essays einsch ließlich der folgenden:
Essay: read it and see for yourself how the Constitution's Justice System is supposed to work to protect rights, liberty, property ownership and use, and achieve equal justice for all and discover... THE ILLEGALITY OF THE STATUS QUO.
"Hi Kenn:
What a magnificent article! I intend to incorporate parts of it into my speeches and writings. Yours in freedom and justice"Professor Julian Heicklen, Jury Rights’ Activist; Coordinator, Tyranny Fighters; U.S.
"Kenn d'Oudney is a brilliant writer and researcher when it comes to Democracy and Trial by Jury. The best source of common law is Kenn d'Oudney."
Dr. John Wilson,
Jury Rights’ Activist;
co-Founder & Chairman, Australian Com mon Law Party.
"Superb. Should be read in every law school."John Walsh, Barrister-at-Law, Author; Constitutional lawyer (U.S. & Australia).
freely downloadable information about pan-European legem terræ common la w, the Law of the Land, whose central tenet and sole justice system is the all-powerful People's Trial by Jury Courts, defining the true European and pan-Occidental Constitution.
"Thank you for your excellent work on Magna Carta. What a masterly exposition."
JOHN GOURIET, Chairman, Defenders of the Realm; Battle for Britain Campaign supported by The Duke of Wellington; Edward Fox, OBE, and Frederick Forsyth, CBE. "Kenn, Your rebuttal is masterly. Your essay is a very good read."ROBIN TILBROOK, Chairman & Party Leader; English De mocrat Party.
"Thank you so much for this contribution. It is very much appreciated."ASHLEY MOTE, MEP (Member of the European Parliament); Vice-President, Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe.
"Thanks, Kenn. I've circulated this."
SIMON RICHARDS, Campaign Director; The Freedom Association; Founded by John Gouriet; the Viscount de L’Isle, VC, KG, PC; Ross McWhirter and Norris McWhirter, CBE.
Softback, 260 large-size pages.
“You have done a splendid job of producing a comprehensive summary of the evidence docu menting that the prohibition of the production, sale and use of cannabis is utterly unjustified and produces many harmful effects. Any impartial person reading your REPORT will almost certainly end up favouring the re-legalisation of cannabis.”NOBEL LAUREATE PROFESSOR MILTON FRIEDMAN, former Economics’ Adviser to U.S. government; Author, video and TV series writer and presenter; Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace; Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago.
“You represent a worthy part of the fight i n many countries for the logical and beneficial use of cannabis. I thank you for that.”PROFESSOR PATRICK D. WALL, M.D., Author; Professor of Physiology, UMDS St. Thomas's (Teaching) Hospital, London; Fellow of the Royal Society; DM, FRCP.
“I did enjoy reading it. THE REPORT should contribute much.”THE HON. JONATHON PORRITT, Bt., former Adviser to U.K. government on Environment; Author; Founder, Friends of the Earth; TV series writer and presenter.
SRC Publishing Ltd., London, available here from worl d distribution by LULU of North Carolina.
Available as a textbook.
THE REPORT ISBN 9781902848204: Part (chapter) Two contains the unprecedented (new) Cannabis Biomass Energy Equation (CBEE; Modern Uses) which proves the clean-combustingproduction-cost-free, i.e., FREE, cannabis by-product pyrolytic CH3OH is the immediate non-polluting, renewable, total world replacement for fossils and uranium, whilst macro-cultivation simultaneously significantly increases world production of staple seed food (protein-rich; no relaxant in seed). The CBEE exposes the bankowner-corporate-government monumental ulterior motive behind fraudulent prohibition. 'Prohibition' is a venal, cartel-fabricated sub terfuge; a false fuel-energy MONOPOLY.
The CBEE Formulation proffers CH3OH oil-gasoline-type fuel combustion for all power-station, industrial, land, sea and air transportation and domestic energy supply, with ZERO net atmospheric increase of CO2< /FONT>. Viz. the CBEE thereby simultaneously demonstrates governments’ mendacity in their claims to wish to reduce carbon emissions, and proves the “eco” and “carbon taxes” to be fraudulent: a criminal government imposture completely without foundation. The misuse of exorbitant, world-economy-depressing fossils and uranium as ‘fuel’ is potentially catastrophic, legally and economically unjustifiable, and requires to be prohibited forthwith.
See pyrolysis diagrams, photo, equation, etc.
"To cause crime to occur is to be accountable for the crime, morally and legally. To consent to any measure is to share responsibility for its results." Legalised, cannabis grows anywhere: the benign herb's foliage and flowers come free or at an insignificant price, but yielding no revenues to government and no profits to corporations. However, prohibition creates the Black Market: the Economic Effects of Prohibition (scarcity + enforcement, etc.) augment "street" value by 3000% plus, making all Blac k Market associated crime inevitable. The political commodities' prohibition, the War on Drugs, rather that is to say, the politicians who pass and the judiciaries who maintain the legislation engender (cause) and are culpable for not less than 75 - 80 percent of all crimes (official statistics) throughout the West.
EXONERATIVE FINDINGS OF FACT; Official Empirical Research; THE REPORT collates the medico-scientific Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the government-funded clinical studies conducted by world-respected research and academic institutions into non-toxic, non-addictive natural herb cannabis (differentiated from pharmaceutical laboratory toxic product THC). The investigations' empirical evidence exonerates cannabis from all allegations of 'harm' and 'impairment' (including tests on simulated driving) exempting cannabis from all legislative criteria of control ('prohibition'). All citizens persecuted thereunder are due Amnesty and Restitution (as for other Wrongful Penalisation).
MEDICATION: Efficacious in over 100 adverse medical conditions (viz. Official Pharmacopoeias) including applications which are life-saving, preserve eyesight, Curative and/or Preventive, and with potential cheaply to replace numerous lines of lucrative but ineffective, debilitating, addictive, toxic pharmaceuticals, rendering massive financial government-corporate ulterior revenue and profitmotive (trillions) behind apocryphal proh ibition by perjurious derogation. + Medical Case Histories.
Six Parts (chapters) include expert documentary, legal, academic, scientific, technical, medical, economic, social, criminological, philosophical evidence, and that which is based on grounds of equity, vindicating all private cultivation, trade, possession and use, and which further exposes perjury and venality behind prohibition 'legislation', all acts of enforcement constituting crime per se.
Part Seven, RESTORATION: JUSTICE AND THE CONSTITUTION, exposes corruption, ineptitude and injustice in the justice process; examines Law: natural law, supreme secular legem terræ Constitutional common law, treaties, statutes; quotes presidents, judges, lawyers and chief justices.
THE REPORT is regularly presented pre-trial by defendants to courts (judges) who routinely forbid all Findings of Fact, evidence and defences which "dispute the legality of the law" before the jury. The official and expert evidence in THE REPORT establishes the apocryphal, illegal nature of the legislation. THE REPORT quotes legal grounds (national and international) which demonstrate numerous infractions of laws by the prohibition legislation, and which show all acts of its enforcement to be crime per se. All citizens persecuted thereunder are due Amnesty and Restitution (as for other Wrongful Penalisation). This textbook demonstrates in the law: injustice, inequity, invalidity, adverse effects, venal ulterior motive, perjury, fallacious derogation, and the inherent illegality of law which creates the Black Market and engenders all associated crime.
The outcomes of this procedure of presenting THE REPORT as documentary evidence to the judge have proved beneficial in the extreme for defendants. *Courts require documentary evidence presented as the published textbook (not copies or e-book).
"The d’Oudney analysis is as insightful as it is comprehensive. It will stand for years to come as the definitive critique of the European Constitution prepared by Giscard d’Estaing and others. I look forward to sharing the d’Oudney analysis with my colleagues."HOWARD PHILLIPS, Founder, U.S. Constitution Party; t hree-time presidential nominee; Chairman, Conservative Caucus.
SRC Publishing Ltd., London.
Educational Information Series EIS#28.
DEMOCRACY DEFINED: ON THE ETYMOLOGY, HISTORY AND SIGNIFICATION OF THE WORD DEMOCRACY; the Sciences of Etymology, Semantics, Semasiology, and Philology determine whether your country is a definitive democracy or your governmen t is a despotism. Viz. The word ‘democracy’ is widely abused and ‘defined’ incorrectly: Democracy is a state of society realised neither by referenda (mass voting for new laws), nor by suffrage (electoral voting for representatives), nor by representatives’ majorities’ legislatorial voting. Electoral voting, majority rule and ‘consensus politics’ neither create nor define democracy. This essay defines and summarises the unique signification and inestimable value to the human race of genuine Constitutional Democracy.
9-11 TRUTH LINKS COMPENDIUM; exposition with select video analysis & lectures; contributions by professors, architects, scientists, Federal Aviation Authority experts, former CIA, FBI, military and government officials, firemen, reporters and other eye-witnesses present; freely download this Compendium which serves as an introduction to the subject, and as a source of additional references f or those already familiar with the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Note: The addresses do change from time to time. If you find the link broken, then paste the TITLE of the video given in our text into your browser and find the documentary video that way.
THE VALUE OR OTHERWISE OF LAW DICTIONARIES; part of the contents of a forthcoming book to be published by SRC Publishing. It is nevertheless, for the time being anyway, downloadable for free;
ON REFERENDA AND MAJORITY RULE; part of the contents of a forthcoming book downloadable for free;
RADIOACTIVITY FROM CROPS FED WITH PHOSPHATE ‘FERTILISER’ IS THE PRINCIPAL CAUSE OF CANCER; some Findings of Fact downloadable for free, extracted from THE REPORT ISBN 9781902848204 (referred to above);
CHIEF JUSTICE VAUGHAN'S RULING; on perhaps the most famous trial in history; Juror's Rights and Duty and photo of the Old Bailey Commemorative Plaque;
WHY THE LEGAL PROFESSION CANNOT DEFEND YOU; consider some of the judicable breaches of common law and Constitution to which modern government resorts in order to enforce its inequitable, illegal, and money-motivated statutes;
The Home Page of The not-for-profit Educational Campaign for RESTORATION and
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges ( U.S . & U.K.).
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