I will arrest the judge. Fw: [LJPR:12777] Showdown with Australia's judicial mafia

5:46 AM (15 hours ago)
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:15 PM
Subject: [LJPR:12777] Showdown with Australia's judicial mafia
Showdown with Australia's judicial mafia
Full letters of demand for $60,478 here
More on Australia's judicial mafia here

Milton Graham Lawyers,
Dun & Bradstreet,
State Debt Recovery Office,
Dear Lawyers and Public Servants,
Re: Yours Demanding Money with Menaces.
I welcome the letter from Milton Graham Lawyers (attached) and the opportunity to go to court where I will most definitely demand my inalienable right to trial by jury. Please select a court in the CBD of Sydney to have it easily accessible for anyone to come along and witness proceedings. You say there are over 40 “convictions” against me…. but I have never had the lawful judgment of my equals …. never.
Therefore, there are no “convictions” against me and any “grants and promises of fines or forfeitures” against me are totally fraudulent. What I have experienced is what is presently being experienced by every free man in Australia …. and that is the intolerable situation of having to deal with so-called “judges” and “magistrates” who are frauds, liars, criminals and traitors – or, as described in the Bill of Rights 1688, “evil counsellors, judges and ministers” who are intent on “steal and kill and destroy’, as the Bible says “thieves only come to” do. I have no doubt that the banks are our arch-enemies in all of this – but, individually, all who participate in the outrage are guilty of the treachery and wickedness. I look forward to receiving the summons and, on the appointed day, I will make a special appearance to challenge the jurisdiction of the court – because Australia is a common law country where free men have the inalienable right to trial by jury.
When the “judge” or “magistrate” denies me trial by jury, then the sheriffs are duty-bound to arrest that person. However, they have become partners to the conspiracy to enslave ordinary men and women. It is their “Mission Statement” “To ensure that people can exercise their rights in court in safety” – but they carry out the orders of the treasonous “judges” and “magistrates” and try to claim the “Nuremberg Defence”. They are not at all intelligent. I will then attempt to make a “Citizen’s Arrest” of the “judge” or “magistrate” – when I expect to be assaulted by the sheriffs, as has happened when I attempted to do so on previous occasions. Treachery and thievery are well entrenched into the so-called “Administration of Justice” throughout Australia and made easy by the general lack of knowledge and apathy existing in Australia. The lack of knowledge of the truth our human and civil rights is enforced by propaganda peddled by the banks into schools and through all forms of the media. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
I have website of http://www.rightsandwrong.com.au which I invite you to have a read of.
Again, I look forward to going to court because, there are 4 Boxes in Defence of Liberty – (1) Soap; (2) Ballot; (3) Jury and (4) Ammo – as Ed Howdershelt listed “to be used in that order”. Lord Thomas Denning said, “The purpose of a court in a civilized society is the vindication of men’s rights and the enforcement of just causes.” There is no better cause than the Rule of Law because “All law hangs on loving God and loving one’s neighbour as oneself” (Matthew 22: 35-40) and trial by jury (Matthew 18: 15-20) is how we are to follow those teachings.
Voltaire said, “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong”. The 4 Boxes in Defence or Liberty are an inescapable formula. Even Gandhi said, “I would rather see violence than cowardice”.
I am 71 years old and no real match against the number of uniformed thugs that grab me, twist my arms behind me, man-handle me into the cells or push me out through the front doors of the court house and into the street .... which they have done several times, already. Therefore, it is imperative that Justice is Administered and Right be Done and that can only be achieved when 12 free men judge the facts and the law when they pray, “So help me God”.
Please expedite the “legal proceedings” you mentioned in your letter.
Yours sincerely, John Wilson,
The best index to a person's character is how they treat people who can't do them
any good, and how they treat people who can't fight back.
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